GraversParadise: In for any game
Khadgar42: Oh and I'm in for, well any game mentioned above and compatible with my IT-O OS.
What's first in your preferences, guys? Interplay code or Divine Divinity? Please, edit your posts to state it, both of you. ;)
In that way, I can send the prizes directly to the winners, instead of asking by PM (with people being offline at the time and such)... :D
Theta_Sigma: I'm in for Post Mortem... :)
Really? I guess the joke's on me... :D
ISC: Scarlett Johansson as Natasha in Avengers or Iron Man 2. She can't be real, man... and I assure you I'd like to own her. But I'm not telling what would I do with her =3
Malv0isin: The coolest thing would be that food/drink replicator on Star Trek.
It was on my mind all the time while writing the OP. I thought that it would be one of the first things to appear in this thread... ;)
A virtual homemade cookie for you, mate! :D