GeorgIsMe: I'm in for Grimind.
sanfueg: I would like The Darkness 2. Thank you.
Sorapak: I'm interested in 3 Stars of Destiny if possible :)
Dennymos: I'm in for Truck Racer if still available :) And +1 :)
Oathe: I'm in for a key of Strategic War in Europe.
RSnyden: I'm interested in 3 Stars of Destiny if it is still available.
PM'd. : )
Kronos_: I'm interested in Hacker Evolution. Thanks.
Hi Kronos_.
I was just about to send you the key and realized that when I was making up the list of games and removing the keys, I also removed the word Untold from Hacker Evolution Untold. I don't actually have any keys for Hacker Evolution.
Are you interested in Untold or Duality? If so, I will send you keys for both.
Sorry about the mix up. If I do end up with another key for Hacker Evolution, I will send it to you.