Spinorial: Nifty giveaway, blarth! The timed restrictions are an interesting touch, perhaps worth developing further, in other giveaways.
If it's all right by you and doccamby, I'd like a shot at The Bureau. Might be a poor man's Mass Effect, but that doesn't need to be a bad thing ;)
Thanks for the gifts and the thought you've put into giving them :-)
PM'd. Please give doccarnby a +1 since he donated the game.
I think this type of time restriction is good because it gives the forum regulars the first chance at the games, but doesn't exclude new people. We will have to see what is left after the rep restriction drops to see if it works.
Hardrada: Poöf looks interesting, so I am in for that.
plex0m4n: Very generous list of games you have there, +1
My vote's for Satan...I mean I'm in for Lucius ;)
PM'd. Hope you enjoy it.