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Awesome GA! +1!!

Q2. What are you top 3 worst game genres and why? (I'm interested to hear the ladies answer to this as well.)

Not in any order or at least I dont think they are.
Strategy - I am not good at thinking ahead and planning out many moves.
Tactic games - see above and I hate waiting for both sides to move a few step and wait.
Racing game - could never get into them. I do have have the skill and I get bored easy doing the same thing over and over again..

Basically I have no patience and driving skills =)
Eee! Slumber party! I'll go get the marshmallows and box sets of cartoons and anime :)

I'm male, and I'm in for the $9.99 prize.

As for the questions, my likes and dislikes in gaming don't really tend to be defined primarily by genre. I'm usually more interested about how the game uses its mechanics, characters, and setting to help tell a story, and I don't really discriminate all that much by genre when it comes to narrative (and hell, some games just define genre classifications *cough*papersplease*cough*). I do enjoy some games that are less about narrative and more about the core gameplay, but while there I am more likely to be drawn to certain genres then others, it's not always an absolute certainty that I will like a game in genre X or dislike a game in genre Y. Still, between those two very broad categories, I've noticed a few general trends toward certain genres in the games that I adore (and despise) the most.

Favorite Genres

1.) RPGs: I love me some RPGs in particular due to their flexibility as to what their entries can do with regards to storytelling; some of my favorites, like Planescape Torment and Deus Ex, focus heavily on story and the player's actions, while others (Roguelikes like, say, FTL or DoomRL in particular) are good at delivering fun romps that are more focused on action, and I can dig both ends of the spectrum. Oddly enough, the whole 'build creation' thing which is apparently a big thing for most RPG fans is something I just can't stand; I'm one of those hippie types who likes to select mechanical features for my character for roleplaying purposes, trying to min/max my character has exactly zero appeal, and diagramming feat trees to make sure that I can get a particular thing without screwing myself by missing a prerequisite makes me feel like I'm taking a not particularly interesting or compelling test.

2.) Psychological Horror: Horror stories have always interested me, and especially in games. In particular, I love the sheer number of ways that a game can instill fear in the player, especially on a psychological level; from Silent Hill making me afraid of being alone and unnerved on a subconscious level by its symbolism and atmosphere, to games like Spec Ops the Line making the player horrified at their own actions, to games like Call of Cthulhu and Amnesia, games can do far more to terrify than in film or novels by virtue of making the player fear for the virtual life they have control over. That said, very few games in this genre measures up to my standards. Standard gory action horror does nothing for me, as part of the appeal of horror for me is not being in control, while being able to take on enemies with an arsenal of firearms feels more aimed toward power fantasy.

Stealth: Stealth has a certain voyeuristic appeal to it, and is great at building tension, and can lead to some interesting storytelling possibilities. Also, its nice to play a game wherein the player has to reign in their homicidal gaming instincts and not resolve every problem with murder (well, unless its absolutely necessary). Sadly, Stealth also has a nasty habit of not being done all that well. A good stealth game should at the very least have a clear indication of visibility and encourage stealth without making getting caught something you can save yourself from without alerting everyone, and too many games can't even bother with the former; the Hitman series, while creative, elevates the problem to a new level with there being no way for one to tell if something is going to attract attention until they have already tried it. Still, the Thief games got me hooked, and I always keep my eye out for the next good stealth game.

Most Disliked Genres

1.) RTS: I simply do not have the brain for RTS. I approach games on a personal level, so playing as some sort of omnipotent armchairbound general does nothing but make me feel distanced from the events of the game. There are exceptions in the form of Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper, but then the other problem of simply not being able to wrap my head around any tactic other than "gather all my things and throw them at the enemy things" comes into play.

2.) Sports: As a guy who doesn't like sports, I sometimes get a lot of weird looks, and whenever sports come up in conversation, I respond with the IT Crowd schtick about "did you see that ludicrous display last night?". Having been in the band in high school and attended countless football games as a result and also having watched many assorted sports in varying manners, I can safely say that those people can stare at me all they want, because I simply don't get it; the concept of watching people do something as mundane as athletics simply doesn't do it for me, and I don't think that anything short of the Ludivico Technique will make me feel any different about them. Sports games are slightly more tolerable for me in theory since they are less about spectatorship, but the problem is that I can't even imagine twatting around a field with a ball to be fun in the slightest. Well, maybe if there were orcs involved or something. Hm...

3.) RPGs: Ok, this is going to be a bit difficult to explain. While I do appreciate RPGs wanting to tell a good story or just being about the gameplay, RPGs can just as easily piss me off by handling their narrative aspirations poorly; if you try to have a story and fuck it up, I will not be amused. One good way for an RPG to get on my bad side quickly is to pretend to be concerned with telling a story, but winds up being treating the story as an excuse for going from one place to another . That might not be bad in and of itself (after all, it provides context to establish that the player characters aren't just a roving band of murdering psychopaths), but when the game continues to vomit exposition at every single turn without substance beyond the most base of power fantasies and a fetish for 'phat lootz', I lose my patience. Baldur's Gate in particular is guilty of this with me. It also commits the same cardinal sin of RPG design as The Witcher by confusing length with substance, thus padding out the game with endless sidetracking; when this is looking like less of a hassle than a quest in your game, I think its safe to say that less might be more. Sadly, storytelling in RPGs, for all the times that it is responsible for delivering stories with heavy emotional and intellectually stimulating content, just as often is responsible for a game whose writing I detest for reasons such as these.

Tl;dr: I'm the games as art hippie who prioritizes narrative and atmosphere, though I can go in for some more basic and satisfying gameplay. My greatest enemy is a story told poorly or otherwise wasted.

As for playing a female in a game, if the option is present, I always play one at least once in RPGs. It's less about gender-bending for its own sake, but more a chance to get a look into how the game differs when playing a female character. It's an interesting, and on occasion amusing (although sometimes infuriating), opportunity to get into the heads of the devs and their attitudes towards gender and sexuality, while also simultaneously serving as part of my exercises to help me practice roleplaying characters that aren't merely self-inserts. Some of my personal favorite knee-slappers and face-palmers include Fallout 2 (sex *everywhere*! Also, the ability to roleplay as a non-straight person, both for males and females. See devs, its not that hard!) and Ultima 6 (if male, only females flirt, if female, both genders flirt, and yes, its as creepy as it sounds). As for other female characters in other genres, I enjoy the experience insofar as I am experiencing the story from a different, and on occasion insightful, point of view. To give example, when April Ryan got threatened by Zach in TLJ, her position resonated much more so than if the character had been male, given how society is especially shitty to women in that regard. Susan's arc and the reasons behind it were also very interesting to experience due in part to her gender. That said, trying to make the female character be in a position where I feel the urge to 'protect' her is a very good way to get right back on my bad side. I'm looking at you, Tomb Raider 2013.

EDIT: IF you need my to give another least liked genre, I can come up with something. It's just that this divide within the genre has come up often enough with me to the point that I'm almost on the verge of trying to invent a new genre name to encompass the RPGs that I hate that share those particular qualities.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Jonesy89
Thanks for the GA ddickinson,

But where's all the drama? The trolls actually take orders here and go elsewhere to post, or they all shriveled up and blew away?

I'm 100% not interested in any "guy only" slumber parties... unless there is a burlesque show with some trannys or something :P

Ok so topic, yea...

Q1 -(favorite)
In no real order I'm going with Flight Sims- (but with shooting... I gotta be trying to kill someone, and I'm less about the Jet fighters than the old birds)... I have no idea how many hours I put into Red Baron/Kots back in the day...
MMOs - I played Everquest, DAoC, CoH, WoW (from early beta to Cataclysm), Champions, LotRO... Loved some kind of hated others (looking with disdain at you DAoC) - People that say these are "slow paced" have never done a 40 man raid in WoW, when all 40 people must play near flawlessly to take out a Boss... yea there's prep time, and waiting followed by ulcer inducing fast game play, followed by utter despair or sheer elation
RPGs - God, I love Skyrim...(I have the most hours in that I've seen on anyone's profile so far), I put a LOT of time into Darklands (KIND of a RPG?... Pretty Difficult) back in the day... I even "finished" it... which you couldn't do originally without getting a game patch (on 3.5 floppy) from the company
Turn Strategy... Man, i like to be able to be distracted to answer the phone, watch some Pron, go to the store, walk outside, leave forgetting I left my computer on... all the shit that makes RTS annoying (oops forgot to pause the game when that call came in? Congrats, you Lose!)

Q2 - (Least Favorite)
Yay! Another vote for Platformers... I'm a pretty picky bastard when it comes to even free games, I hardly own any of these... and those I do usually just confirm I shouldn't
PnC Adventure games- These always rage quit me... "What I have a loaded shotgun, but I can't shoot the thug that walks up and beats me to death, because it's intended that I drop my pants and bend over so that he only ass rapes me then lets me go? Gee... Never though of THAT.. I was thinking Shotgun." (In a VERY recent example) I couldn't reach a brick outside a Drugstore gate, even though there were probably only 2000 items I could have used to slide it over to me... But no, you had to go save Glenn first...WTF? Had to look it up, frustrating.
Less a genre than a victory condition, but I really hated the way Civ and even Master of Magic, Alpha Centauri handled a "high score" if you kill EVERYONE else fast as hell you get the highest score... It's far harder to not kill ANYONE else and try to build that spaceship, or Cast the Spell of Mastery.... It pisses me off to no end that such an obvious flaw was used in SO many games.
*Edit* Oh SHIT! I forgot about "Pay to Win" games, these are a full on Blight and you can add them as my number ONE hated game. They are just greed run amok ... Read the article about the upcoming "Landmark" game... What a shameless rip off. (might link this later, too tired from all the typing)

Q3- Female Characters?
Thank GOD the last few guys also said they usually play Male toons... This was making me remember the old WoW days when the saying was "All the Male toons in WoW are men IRL, All the female toons in WoW are men IRL" Of course it wasn't completely true... That being said there was a lot to say for using a female toon in WoW on raids... after all, you might be staring at that butt for 15 straight hours! I want to say my toons in WoW were 50/50 Male female, but with my primary raider being female, human... having that female toon was even better with the nudity patch! (Yay for pixelated BooBs!)... and hey, who doesn't want to start a nude snowball fight in Molten Core? It's fuckin HOT in there!
If I'm able to design my character though, (outside the MMO world) I'm most likely to do a "Me" toon, I'll make him look close as I can, but often as an Elf or (even better) Drow, so he's gonna be male. Particularly in 1st person modes (I usually play Skyrim 1st person, yea, it's harder, but more immersive for me to feel like it ME there) Plus with mods, there are a TON of hotties I can look at and even bring with if I want. (I'm leering at YOU Vicona Di'Vir!)

Jesus, what a wall! .... Sorry!
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Cyberevil
awalterj: 3.) Point & Click adventure games

I hate this genre. I love this genre. I could write entire books about how much I hate and how much I love this genre! Most of these games are awkwardly designed and mostly rudimentary in terms of gameplay options but somehow it’s fun and better than a movie. When I played Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, I was completely enthralled and when I saw the movie many years later, I was rather underwhelmed. The game was a more exciting experience and so much more immersive.
This year, I've played mostly point & click adventure games because they can be finished in a reasonable amount of time and the controls are easy to remember, usually it’s just left click to interact and right click to look at things.
Oh, point and click adventures, how I... really don't know how to feel about you. They are heavily story focused, but often rely on a single path to proceed, and all to often that path gets lost whenever the developer's train of logic hurtles off the insanity cliffs; as a result, their stories can have appalling flow. I'd being investigating a mystery in Gabriel Knight or yucking it up in Monkey Island 2, then all of a sudden I'd need to hit the internet and facepalm when I saw that I needed to traumatize a monkey so that it froze in place to use it as a monkey wrench or create the most pointless facial hair ever. That said, I've played some that I liked where I didn't have to consult a walkthrough, but those were Dreamfall and Quest for Glory, which make a point of having multiple solutions to any given problem.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Jonesy89
Sage103082: Basically I have no patience and driving skills =)
Don't I get behind you onthe road every day? Didn't know that was you... I'm that guy going 15 MPH faster than anyone else and trying to solve traffic as a puzzle that must be passed on my way to anywhere... so I FULLY share the lack of patience on the road, and would surely race to my own execution... But man, no driving skills?

You don't own a Prius do you?

I have NEVER been passed by a Prius ( Nor do i ever expect to be... I can ALMOST say the same about Canadian drivers, but I can confirm being passed by two in about 20 years ), and usually find them at the front of traffic lines, it's like the people that buy them are either so cheap-assed that they must try to squeeze every millimeter out of a gallon of gas or they don't go over 45 mph, or the owners swear an oath to be the most hated people on the street?
MadyNora: I really liked the Witcher, but for me it was not an RPG. I tried to "become" Geralt, and actually immerse myself, and fully role-play as him..... for about 10 minutes. Then I gave up. It was impossible.
To be fair, I'm a guy, and I couldn't get into his shoes.
Sage103082: Basically I have no patience and driving skills =)
Cyberevil: Don't I get behind you onthe road every day? Didn't know that was you... I'm that guy going 15 MPH faster than anyone else and trying to solve traffic as a puzzle that must be passed on my way to anywhere... so I FULLY share the lack of patience on the road, and would surely race to my own execution... But man, no driving skills?

You don't own a Prius do you?

I have NEVER been passed by a Prius ( Nor do i ever expect to be... I can ALMOST say the same about Canadian drivers, but I can confirm being passed by two in about 20 years ), and usually find them at the front of traffic lines, it's like the people that buy them are either so cheap-assed that they must try to squeeze every millimeter out of a gallon of gas or they don't go over 45 mph, or the owners swear an oath to be the most hated people on the street?
this +1

I hate Prius cars. Never been passed by one either and there is plenty in a certain area I have to go thru on my way to work. People have too much money and oh hey im eco friendly type, reminds me of south park ep, lol. Whatevers, they often drive way too damn slow. I go with the line of one of the George Carlin early comedy shows, I try to get in the lane with the a**hole that is gonna drive faster than the other a**holes, or something to that degree.
iphgix: You are too generous...not in.

I have 0 desire for a slumber party with a bunch of sweaty dudes...
Well, young man, if you're listening to me, I know this really great place where we can get ourselves clean, have a good meal, and do whatever we feel ;)
Eh what the hell, I'll participate. Yes I'm male and I'll go for the 9.99 prize.

1. RPG, Platformers, Strategy games. All largely for the same reason in that I like games where you have to put some thought into your actions instead of twitch style gameplay.

2. FPS - This is a prime example of the "twitch" style gameplay I'm talking about. No matter how much thought is put into the story (when it even is) it still boils down to 99% of the gameplay being "if it moves, kill it" greatly unispired gameplay in my opinion.
Sports titles - More for the saturation than anything else. Despite claims of "massive changes" to a tile between one year and the next, most of those changes are roster updates or amount to patch notes. Maybe, MAYBE it will receive an overhaul every 4th or 5th year, but that's usually to get better graphical fidelity. Which brings me to my next one:
Graphical fidelity tech demo "games" - technically full games, but in reality serve one purpose and one purpose only: to overheat top of the line cards and make people go "ohhh, HD pretty". My issue with these is that there is rarely any game of any depth behind the shiny frame rate killing fidelity. For the price of one cutscene done like that several hours can be put into a better game to make it even better. Give me aestecially pleasing, low fidelity graphics with a solid game behind it any day over the shallow system killers.

3. I play female characters usually any chance I get. I'll admit part of it is because I like the female artwork and design that is done for the characters. I find that more effort is done for the details than most male characters in the same game which tend to be cut and paste. Also there tends to be the case that the female characters get abilities and mechanics that fit my playstyle more comfortably. Peach's hover in SMW3D, female characters being built around agility over brute force or center around magic instead of bashing skulls are prime examples of those examples.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by lordlundar
Sage103082: Basically I have no patience and driving skills =)
Cyberevil: Don't I get behind you onthe road every day? Didn't know that was you... I'm that guy going 15 MPH faster than anyone else and trying to solve traffic as a puzzle that must be passed on my way to anywhere... so I FULLY share the lack of patience on the road, and would surely race to my own execution... But man, no driving skills?

You don't own a Prius do you?

I have NEVER been passed by a Prius ( Nor do i ever expect to be... I can ALMOST say the same about Canadian drivers, but I can confirm being passed by two in about 20 years ), and usually find them at the front of traffic lines, it's like the people that buy them are either so cheap-assed that they must try to squeeze every millimeter out of a gallon of gas or they don't go over 45 mph, or the owners swear an oath to be the most hated people on the street?
Nah no Prius here. =) Click below to see what this WOman drives =P

My driving skills in RL life are hands down better than my game world driving skills. (I liked GTA cause I could get out and beat up people lol)
blue.jpg (62 Kb)
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Sage103082
First, big thanks to D. Dickinson (can we call you Double D?) for the giveaways, both this one & the girls one.

1. I have a tinkler...always have, very likely always will.

2. I'm in. I looked at my wishlist & I'd be content with a $5.99 game.

3. <nomination currently vacant>

4. Joined GOG on June 16, 2009.

5. I've been in-and-out of the GOG forums over the past 5+ years.

Q1. What are you top 3 favourite game genres and why?

a) RPG (fantasy), because as a teenager (and for a few years as an adult) I thoroughly enjoyed playing D&D at a table with friends, rolling dice, and just having fun. I still have that soft spot in my heart for the fantasy races, swords and sorcery, and all that good stuff.

b) RPG (sci-fi), because I'm a huge Star Trek fan. The idea of interplanetary travel or aliens, or even just something more rooted in humanity than traditional fantasy like the GeneForge series...I love it.

c) I guess Adventure would be my #3, although I haven't been interested in it in quite a while. But when I got my first computer back in the mid/late 80s, the Sierra series of "Quest" games were the hottest thing going, and I played them all. I thought it was just about the coolest thing to be able to play in (what I thought of then as) an interactive animated movie.

Q2. What are you top 3 worst game genres and why? (I'm interested to hear the ladies answer to this as well.)

a) Action-rpg...I wish I had the manual dexterity to play those, because I love the genre, but I suck at it.

b) Shooters never really appealed to me. I mean, in the days of shareware I played Castle Wolfenstein because it was something completely new & different, but I never played beyond the demo version. It just didn't grab me...that, and the lack of manual dexterity thing as mentioned above.

c) Racing maybe? Again, going back into the 80s when arcades had games like Pole Position, of course I played them. Again, it was something new & different at the time, but the desire to keep playing them over the decades just wasn't there.

Q3. If you enjoy playing as a woman in games, what is it about playing as a woman that appeals to you?

Sometimes I do play as a woman. Part of it goes back to D&D with some roleplaying characters that I either played or came up with in my head & thought they'd be fun to play. Gaming (whether tabletop or pc) has had a tendency to be geared toward male protagonists, so I like to go against the grain every now & then (especially if I know a pc game has alternate options for female characters).
iphgix: You are too generous...not in.

I have 0 desire for a slumber party with a bunch of sweaty dudes...
Jonesy89: Well, young man, if you're listening to me, I know this really great place where we can get ourselves clean, have a good meal, and do whatever we feel ;)
I am totally not admitting that I know what that was without clicking the link...
I'm a dude, and I'm in, thank you! +1

You can put me down for a $5.99 game, and I'll nominate someone else later.

My top 3 genres:

1. Platformers: Ever since I first played Super Mario in the arcades I've been hooked on this genre, be it 2D or 3D, there's just something about learning the mechanics and bounding around with precision abandon that always fills me with glee.
2. Third Person Action-Adventure: Broad term i know, but the combination of weapons, combat, creative environments and a gripping story always piques my interest and ropes me in more than most other genres... with Zelda being at the top of the pile.
3. Fighting games: I adore belt-scrolling brawlers, but One on One versus fighters are king of the genre for me, it all started with the obvious game, Street Fighter 2. I love the creative characters, the complex systems at play and the mind games that come out of a good live versus match. It's a shame none of my current IRL friends have an active interest in the genre, or that none of the ones I like most exist on GOG to play online. :/

My least favourite genres:

1. Real Time Strategy: I can't micromanage, I am made of derp when under pressure and this sort of strategy and management stresses me out, plus I prefer to be the guy on the ground doing the work directly rather than the god above.
2. Diablo style dungeon crawlers: Walk, walk,, hack, hack, hack, loot, walk, hack, rinse, repeat, snore.
3. Realistic Sports Games: I can enjoy over the top stuff like NBA Jam, but when I think about simulations, I think if I was interested enough in a sport, I'd go play the actual sport.

And my reasons for playing as a female character in video games? I don't want to come across as sexist but if I if have to stare at the back of my avatar for the whole game, when given a choice, I'd rather stare at something more pleasing to my eye.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by ReynardFox
The girls had popcorn, porn, and pillow fights.
So far the boys have... Priuses?

Can we at least watch Die Hard?
Or how about Terminator? That Michael Biehn is one sexy-ass future soldier!
I am in for the $9.99 prize, thank you.

My favourite genres are strategy, role playing, and tower defence. Strategy and tower defence for the mental challenge, role playing for the combination of story telling and combat.

My worst genres are sport (as far as I can tell sports games are only played by people who are fans of the sport), horror (I have never been scared by a game so they fail on their main selling point), and music (I am not into music).

Given the choice I will usually pick a male character, but I have no objection to playing as a female either.