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thanks, now i'm feeling special :)

now guys, its time for laser tag
(takes out his laser gun and starts firing)

pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
Not in, obviously
ddickinson: Q2. What are you top 3 worst game genres and why? (I'm interested to hear the ladies answer to this as well.)
genkicolleen: 3. I generally don't enjoy Tower Defense games. I say "generally" because Defender's Quest is pretty fun :D

2. MMO's. Sure they're a lot of fun, but they suck the life right out of you. Dangerous, that's what they are! They're like the Dementors of gameplay!

1. The so-called "Free" to Play games that are actually Pay-to-Win. Yeah, having cool things that you can buy to enhance your game-playing experience is great... but only if it's NOT going to affect your chances whilst playing the game >_<
That's pretty close to what I would say as well. I honestly haven't had much fun with MMO's seeing as most are real time combat and the only tower defense game I like is Plants vs Zombies.

I've pretty much quit playing most of those casual "free" Zynga and Zynga-style games too. They were all fun, at first, but you always seem to hit the point where it either crashes a lot (Castleville, Gardens of Time, Frontierville, + more), or maybe its still working for you but about all your neighbors have jumped ship because it isn't working for them (Adventure one with Indiana Jones comes to mind), or I just lose interest despite all the effort I put into it (Cityville) or the game is strongly hinting that you will never get past this level without an upgrade from the store (Monkey Bubble Safari, Candy Crush, Gardens of TIme, and many more). Sometimes its a pretty early level too!
01kipper: 1) Funny/humourous games. I guess that's not really a genre, but it's what I like best in games these days. I will even try other genres I'm not normally drawn to if the game is funny enough.
Oh, yes. I can totally identify with this. :D
Post edited October 28, 2014 by SalarShushan
awalterj: Thanks and I'm in because I know you will turn violent otherwise! :)
ddickinson: Enebias seems to share your sentiment, though I don't know why. You two make it sound like I break legs if people don't accept gifts ;-).
No fear of breaking legs but you did threaten to hunt down gift resisters and kick them square in the nuts so it's not an entirely paranoid notion on my part :)

You make Enebias and me sound like the Axis of Evil Gift Resistance but we are Legion, there's many more of us! Remember how hard it was to find a winner in dr.schliemann's epic giveaway, that was quite a difficult task.
I'm not entirely ungiftable though and willing to make exceptions in specific cases - I just won a game gifted by the awesome Ghorpm.

In total and not counting The Guys of GOG Giveaway, I've entered 4 giveaways so far and won games in 3 of those giveaways so I can't complain, that's a 75% fortune rate. I only enter if it's a game I really want and intend to play and if the giveaway topic is interesting.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by awalterj
awalterj: ...
Do you recall such a problem with my giveaway as you did dr.schliemann's? You evil Axis Gift Resistors may have gotten the best of him, but I was able to gift without issue. Including getting IAmSinistar to accept his prize. With not a single broken leg or kick in the nuts in sight. Speaking of the kick in the nuts threat, that was only a way of making sure the guys did not withdraw their nominations from mine or BMF's giveaway, nothing to do with gifting. It costs too much in travel to enforce gifting that way :-).
awalterj: ...
ddickinson: Do you recall such a problem with my giveaway as you did dr.schliemann's? You evil Axis Gift Resistors may have gotten the best of him, but I was able to gift without issue. Including getting IAmSinistar to accept his prize. With not a single broken leg or kick in the nuts in sight. Speaking of the kick in the nuts threat, that was only a way of making sure the guys did not withdraw their nominations from mine or BMF's giveaway, nothing to do with gifting. It costs too much in travel to enforce gifting that way :-).
Fair enough, fair enough :) And of course we all know that you're way too nice to resort to making such vile threats a reality. But you never know 100%, there's some strange people on this forum, one guy even threatened to visit the GOG HQ and he did exactly that. So the boundaries between the web and the real world are sort of elusive.
awalterj: But you never know 100%, there's some strange people on this forum, one guy even threatened to visit the GOG HQ and he did exactly that. So the boundaries between the web and the real world are sort of elusive.
That's true, I hear that guy was kind of strange. Luckily they fed him to the GOG Bear, or bribed him with lots of goodies, I forget which ;-).
Not in for the boys' slumber party. I mean, seriously: total sausage fest!

; )
monkeydelarge: There are some fantasy shooters out there. Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II, the Witchhaven games and the recent Ziggurat. Hexen is really awesome. There is a weapon in the game that unleashes evil spirits that roam the map and kill all your enemies for you. :)
MadyNora: Hmmm I checked those games, and they don't seem like very appealing to me =/
I guess it's not just the modern setting then. The walk-and-shoot gameplay is too..... monotone? No thinking involved? I can't really explain, there is just something in those games that don't capture me at all =/
Guess I'm just not a shooter-person.
Maybe you mean, there is no depth with those games. It's just mostly killing things. I understand.
I have an X and a Y chromosome :)

My top three favorite genres, hmmm. I like RPG's with decent mechanics and a good story. Just good mechanics doesn't usually cut it for me. The Eschalon Book series looked like a fun retro style game, but there wasn't enough story for me unfortunately. I also really like Turn Based Strategy games, like the Imperialism series and Real Time strategy like StarCraft and StarCraft2. While a fun story makes both of the strategy games more fun, it isn't required. Typically, I don't like First Person Shooters. I guess I just find them too repetitive, although I loved Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast :)

In for a $5.99 game. The person I nominate has yet to join the discussion ;)
Post edited October 28, 2014 by Celton88
I'll enter for RWarehall (if that's okay).
Q1. What are your top 3 favourite game genres and why?

1) Spectacle Fighters: (Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Rising, Ninja Gaiden Black and Bayonetta just as examples)
Playing through Devil May Cry 4 (as well as the other games in the series, haven't finished 2 and 3) made me fall in love with these kind of games. The over the top action and difficulty (well...some of them are difficult) are the main things that really draw me in.

2) Shoot 'em ups/Bullet Hell Shooters:
I'll be honest, I suck at these kind of games. I did a 1CC run of Crimzon Clover, but only on Novice difficulty (only got to Stage 3 on Arcade difficulty). Despite the absurd difficulty of some titles I still enjoy them. The bullet patterns (as well as the presentation and soundtracks) in a lot of these games are beautiful, and playing in short bursts (as well as trying to beat your high score) help as well.

3) RPGs/JRPGs:
I suppose it would be more fair to say JRPGs (since I've played more of those than western stuff), but even then I enjoy both (don't really have a preference to be quite honest). As far as why, well...I guess the stories in them (as well as the combat system in place). I think they're better when they're turned based though (especially when you're handling mutiple party members), but I don't mind real time either.
Q2. What are your top 3 worst game genres and why?
1) FPS:
So far the only FPS-like games that I enjoyed were Fallout 3, New Vegas, System Shock 2, Bioshock, and Human Revolution. FPS (or third person) by themselves is kind of hard for me to get into for the most part (although I enjoyed Hard Reset due to being fast paced and had very little scripting to it). If they're slow and heavily scripted (like say...the Tomb Raider Reboot) I usually don't enjoy them that much (or at all), but the multiplayer modes they have aren't that bad (decent to good time wasters overall).

2) MMOs
Generally I don't really care about multiplayer only games, and MMOs just aren't that interesting to me. I did like Guild Wars 2 (well...back when I played it, I just took a break and haven't gone back to it) and some of Wizard 101 years ago (mainly due to the turn-based card battles), but generally after a few hours I just stop playing them. A lot of them just look ugly, have a bunch of boring quests, and the pacing is just so damn slow I die a little inside.

3) Joke Simulators: (Not a genre, but they might as well be with more and more of them popping up)
Surgeon Simulator was enough for me, and it wasn't even that good. I...honestly don't see the appeal in them. I guess it's fun watching someone play them and laughing at the stupid stuff that happens in them, but playing them is the exact opposite of fun. Now there are more and more of these jokes coming out (with Bread Simulator and Bear Simulator being examples). Gee, thanks Bossa Studios. =/
Post edited October 28, 2014 by RayRay13000
I'm in. I'm male. 9.99 prize, please.

My top three games: Arcanum, Fallout 2, and Civ IV (I'll cheat and add a fourth, that being the game of modding Oblivion)

Those 3 (4) games are the ones I have spent the most time on, so I will count them as my favorites. There are other smaller games that I love for some reason or other, but due to the small size or scope of the games, I don't play them as much. Deus Ex is among that group. So are the first few Silent Hill games.

Arcanum is the most restartable game I've ever played. I only finished it once, but I started it hundreds of times. There was a huge variety in character creation, and it all affected gameplay! Beautiful design!

Fallout 2 brought out in me the desire to see ALL the content in a game. I wanted to find every joke, every line of dialogue, every skill check, etc. I even joined TheVault wiki and became and administrator and then a beaurocrat. I played through the game start to finish dozens of times with very different characters. Most of all I loved the gunfight at the slaver headquarters. You didn't have to fight, and you certainly didn't have to fight the first time you found the place. But if you did, it was a firefight to put fear in your bones. You were outnumbered, outgunned, underleveled, but dammit you felt lucky. If you played the corners and the turns just right, you could pull off a victory. With the xp and the loot from that one fight, you could remain super badass for quite a while out there in the wasteland...

Civ IV is a marvelous game. The different victories possible make replaying it addictive. The different difficulty levels add a welcome challenge once you've really gotten the hang of things. It does have problems, and I have since moved on to Civ V which I love (all my friends hate it!), but I played hundreds of hours of this game when I was working nights loading trucks.

Ah! And here I am answering the question wrong! Well, genres are clearly RPG, Strategy, and you wouldn't guess, but Puzzle Games - like Portal, Qubeh, Tetris, Minesweeper. (I was regionally ranked in Minesweeper!)

I like the grand scope of RPGs. It seems to me the most versatile genre. I get to have favorite writers and favorite gameplay designers (the numbers guys!).

Strategy games are fun because a good one has you juggling so many equations in your head you can't even think of anything else!

Puzzle Games - I like logic games, more specifically. Geometry, logic, physics... Kami is a recent favorite. I just like logic puzzles, I don't know how to give a resaon.

Least favorite - Sidescrolling shooter, Platformer, fighting games. Harder to say much since I play so much less. But, basically, my reflexes are not so good, and never have been, so these types of games are excercises in frustration for me.

I almost never play women in games. I don't really know why. I've wondered and so played as a women to see what the effect was. There wasn't much effect. Shrug.

Thanks for the giveaway! Interesting questions, interesting to read the answers!

Hmm...well a prize chance are probably next to nill for me. I do identify as male tho sadly I'm not fully bio male.

1. I've probably listed these before as for Favorite games. They are RPGs (western and JRPGs), Hack/Slash action games like God of War to Diablo series. Then lastly Fighting Games (Street Fighter 2 all time favorite).

2. Least favorite games. As many mentioned Sports games (boring), Pay to Win games, and Racing games.

3. I just can't get into playing as a women in a game, I feel so disconnected. The game has to be really good for me to stick through and play to the end like Tomb Raider 1. I know most guys excuse is I'd rather stare at a women's a** for hours. Whatevers. For me personally its alot about projection of my digital avatar. I enjoy being some hulking brute running through the fields hacking and slashing. Not some scantily clad chick bouncing around. Not that I mind scantily clad women ;)
+1 You are awesome! :D

I'm in and nominating Kyojinmaru as well!
Male (the avatar is me, any doubt I'll edit and upload a pic)
ddickinson: Q1. What are you top 3 favourite game genres and why?
I love all types of games in general, I do not think I can choose a particular genre, I'm not strict, I believe everything could be learned...
ddickinson: Q2. What are you top 3 worst game genres and why?
With the exception of 4Xs & RTS, but that is because I'm dumb as a brick and can't seem to learn those types of games. The only time I've played a RTS non stop was the first Empire Earth (still have the CD somewhere) and even on the easiest difficulty I've got my arse handed to me countless times. For me those genres are like neckties: only good on someone else.
ddickinson: Q3. If you enjoy playing as a woman in games, what is it about playing as a woman that appeals to you?
I don't know if I'm alone on this, but I don't see the male/female difference. With the possible exception of Kate Archer of NOFL (and that lovely/awesome accent) Jade (Beyond Good and Evil) and MAYBE Samus Aran (Metroid series) I don't feel the attachment to a protagonist in of a particular sex at all, a lot of support/antagonists/npcs female chars always felt more compeling to me than the protagonists. Holy shit, now that I'm thinking about it, I've never felt attached to any particular male char at all, and besides the ones I've mentioned, all the other well known female protagonists are unknown or as flawed/uninteresting as the males to me.

Crap, now you've got me doing some heavy thinking about it O_O'
Post edited October 28, 2014 by neurasthenya
Thanks for this GA! +1
I'm a male and I'm in for the $5.99 prize and I nominate DryFish

Q1: 1) RPGs and sub-genres My all time favorite since that distant day when I discover Diablo 2. At first it seems so complicated and boring but when I give it a try, it really amaze the infinite possibilities this genre could take, in proper hands. The best histories and the best dialogues that I ever found in videogame world. Many times I enjoy them much more than several books that I read.

2) RTS and TBS The unparalleled feeling to command a large army at my capricious will its second to none. Also provide me everything I need to satisfy my appetite for destruction :D

3) Graphic Adventures, Adventures en general Several games in my personal top 10 are adventures games. Who can resist a good adventure and travel around those worlds being captivated by their wonders, solving puzzles, having a fun time?

Q2: 1) MMO and Social games The internet sewers, the worst of mankind congregates there. In fact, these crap was create to annoy your contacts and create conflicts if someone "dare" to ignore their spamming requests.

2) Free To Play and Gamble games The biggest deceit in videogame history!!! The biggest ripoff ever created!!! The most successful legal scam!!! HOW PEOPLE BE SO BLIND?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!

3) Modern FPS Recicled garbage and cheaters pigsty.

Q3: I'm really don't care about character genre: if Mario were Peach, I'm sure I would have enjoyed those games, if Link were Zelda I would be amazed for that saga too.
What really bother me is:
White, Male = good, righteous, strong.
Any other race, female = evil, weak, twisted.
Post edited October 28, 2014 by ElPrimordial
I'm a male and I'm in for the 10$ gift, thanks.

Q1. What are you top 3 favourite game genres and why?
1- rpgs > alternate cool worlds? Heroes & epic quests? I'm in!
2- adventures > I love good stories and mysteries! (getting "stuck" sucks, however)
3- space combat sim > lasers, huge spaceships, great battles. Simply amazing!
(4)- turn-based strategy > build cities\empires or infiltrate enemy lines.. with a good pacing.

Q2. What are you top 3 worst game genres and why?
1- educational games > lol they're usually dull, useless and low budget, expecially here in Italy.
2- sport > boriing and I'm bad at them.
3- fighting > mostly good for a few matches with friends.
(4)- "infinite minigames" > good for some rounds, then they become repetitive and frustrating.

Q3. If you enjoy playing as a woman in games, what is it about playing as a woman that appeals to you?
- I only did it when there wasn't a choice for the main character (Diablo2,TombRaider,etc) or for multi-party rpg games.
It didn't bother me much there, but in an RPG with a free character creation it would feel a bit strange lol.
I guess I could try it in the future just for the looks, who knows (some people even suggested it in Mass Effect).
I'd never do it in a MMO, however..
Post edited October 28, 2014 by phaolo