Enebias: Since in the other thread there was a discussion about anime, I thought to share this
masterpiece about REAL manhood!
I found it by chance yesterday and I immediatly thought about this thread!
Let me *BUMP* it with some among the silliest 20 minutes in the history of animation...
By the way: I am not in (and when ddickisnon will read this, I will be probably doomed)!
Lucky for you there is still time to change your mind. As you know, I'm in London at the moment, so I can quite easily get to an airport and get a flight to Italy and "persuade" you to change your mind.
To encourage you to change it sooner rather than later, here is a rough idea of how events could unveil:
* Stands here in shock at the audacity of Enebia's "Not In" stance *
* Prices up tickets to Milan - £198 round trip, with time to enjoy the sights as well (image 1) *
* Calls a certain Swiss mercenary to meet me in Milan and help me hunt Enebias down *
* Tracks Enebias down to a nearby location, an Italian plumbers store with strange mushrooms growing everywhere, and a sign saying "Mario Brothers Plumbers" *
* Kicks down the door and finds Enebias cowering in the corner, desperately covering his nuts *
* But to no avail, my retribution was swift and painful! (keeping the anime theme, image 2) *
* Walks over to Enebias's computer, loads the GOG forum, and edits his post to "I'm In" *
* Calls the Swiss government to inform them about the AWOL mercenary's location *
(So that I don't have to pay his extortionate fee for tracking down Enebias, sorry awalterj ;-). So in fact, Enebias, your reluctance to enter could get two people in trouble, you wouldn't want to do that to poor awalterj now would you?)
* Walks away doing my best evil Mwahahahaahhaha laugh and sets off to enjoy the sights of Italy before my flight back to London. *