Nice giveaway, +1! I'm male, please count me in for the $9.99 game.
Updated to add "why" to the section on my favourite game genres which I inadvertently left out originally.ddickinson: Q1. What are you top 3 favourite game genres and why?
Wow that's actually a very difficult question to answer because I love quite a number of game genres fairly equally including in no particular order RTS, RPG, FPS, Simulation, 4X, Adventure/Mystery, Puzzle, and others. If I had to choose 3 out of them all, RTS, FPS would have to be 2 of them for sure, and then it'd be a difficult toss up between RPGs (ARPG, CRPG) and Simulation (flight sims, racing/driving sims, goat simulator, sub simulators, just about anything really). I probably end up playing more wall clock time in the past with RPGs than Sims perhaps so I guess I'll go with RTS, FPS, RPG. I'd feel naked without simulators though. ;)
RTS: Because I love a good strategy game, in particular games where you have an overlying goal to accomplish and missions to achieve that goal and mark your success along the way. I like turn based strategy as well however I play more real time than turn based. I find RTS games have incredibly high amount of replay value for my gaming time, and my favourite RTS of all time are:
1) The Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth II, with and without the Rise of the Witch King expansion pack. My all time favourite RTS, which I enjoy the single player campaigns, multiplayer and also War of the Ring mode.
2) Starcraft - My friends and I have probably played more hours of Starcraft than any other game, and we've played it on and off since it came out in 1997, and it wasn't until about 2 or 3 years ago that we switched to various other games, however it is still hot at LAN parties.
3) Warcraft II - One of the best RTS ever as well, I could never get bored of WC2, however it's hard to find others to play this with nowadays, and it has problems running on modern OSs.
FPS: Ever since I played my first FPS game - Wolfenstein 3D back when it came out, I closely followed and played practically every FPS game that came out after that up until 2000 or so, and then a good number of the more popular ones after that. I love FPS games as they're very immersive. My #1 subgenre is the tactical combat simulation (TCS) type of FPS - all of the Tom Clancy Ghost Recon games up to GRAW2, and Rainbow Six titles, all of the ArmA games. All of the Valve games, id Software games, AvP, and countless others far too numerous to name. It would be difficult to choose one of these games to pick as a favourite as they all have a lot to offer.
RPG: I love RPGs as I was a pen and paper D&D player back in the 80s and a bit in the 90s and was drawn to the whole idea of participating in medieval battle and adventures searching for treasures and whatnot while your character develops new skills and abilities over time and grows more powerful to eventually face off with some big evil force etc. I love both turn based RPGs and action RPGs equally however for one reason or another or no reason at all I've put a lot more hours into ARPGs than turn based CRPGs. Perhaps because I've got more friends who favour ARPGs so that's what stuck for multiplayer. Also a number of the popular CRPGs are single-player only. The D&D series of games are legendary enough to speak for themselves, however aside from those, my favourite game titles include in no particular order:
- The Witcher, The Witcher II
- Torchlight and Torchlight II
- Diablo, Diablo II
ddickinson: Q2. What are you top 3 worst game genres and why? (I'm interested to hear the ladies answer to this as well.)
Sports: I'm not a sports fan and while I don't hate sports, the games just don't really appeal to me compared to the various other genres that I really do enjoy so Sports games would have to be low on my list.
Pay-to-play: Games that have either recurring monthly fees or similar, or which use micro-transactions or other similar tactics to get you to become a frequently recurring income stream. Doesn't matter if the game costs money from the outset or is Free-to-Play - if it forces me to pay additional money to enjoy the game properly then I wont play it because there are literally thousands of other games to choose from that interest me much greater that are a one time buy and it is yours type experience that more than meets my gaming needs without having to repeatedly pay for things to continue enjoying the entertainment. In this case, the particular game genre doesn't matter much although they mostly seem to be MMOs of some form or another.
Casual: All forms of casual "simple" games such as those that dominate on social networking platforms and mobile devices which often tend to be puzzle games or simple platformers etc. Once in a while such a game can occupy one's mind long enough to kill some time but they just do not give me the truly immersive type gaming experience I prefer from the more complex genres. As to why, while some of these type of games could actually be enjoyable there just seems to be way way too many of them out there. The market is severely oversaturated with thousands of puzzle games that are fairly basic and whether they can be fun or not they mostly seem like a big waste of time to me and I roll my eyes every time I see yet another new one pop up. Also, the social networks are flooded with them and they love to spam your newsfeed with updates from friends, invites and other annoyances that just push me even further away from them.
ddickinson: Q3. If you enjoy playing as a woman in games, what is it about playing as a woman that appeals to you?
I don't put too much thought into the gender of my in game characters for the most part but instead focus on their abilities/attributes/skills/spells/capabilities that I'd prefer. If a game lets you independently choose the gender of the character I'll cycle through them and sometimes I might choose the female character if she's very attractive from game artwork perspective. If I am going to be playing a game for many dozens of hours building up a character or similar sometimes it is nice to have female eye candy on the screen. Then there are games like Tomb Raider for example where you're Lara and that's the only choice. She's always been made out to have a certain level of sexiness presumably to appeal to a male audience though too. When I'm playing games though I don't really identify with my character, and rather just see them as a bunch of pixels. Even in RPGs which are technically supposed to be "role-playing", I've never really thought too much about trying to play a character as a particular gender - instead I just play them as me with my own way of thinking etc. and the character's just pixels on the screen coming along for the ride. Some RPGs expect you to play your character in a manner that is how you chose their race/class/etc. and I will try to play a lawful character thinking in lawful terms etc. to play the character right but again I never really think "what would this character do as a female". In the end I'd have to answer the question as either doing it sometimes randomly just to mix up a party of characters more balanced, or to admire the artist's female eye candy as it were. ;)