AlphaMonkey: I just have to say, bansama, I love the Faith avatar on your Steam profile. It's... nummy.
bansama: I don't know what it is about that character, perhaps it's because she's actually fairly realistic in terms of build, but well, she left an impression on me =)
And that particular piece of art with her hanging off a building and you viewing her reflection and that of the city behind her is simply stunning so yeah, it ended up as my avatar for Steam and my backdrop for this PC. I have slightly different Mirror's Edge artwork as the backdrop for my Japanese profile on the PS3.
The game itself too was one that I highly enjoyed and I've bought it twice at full price (once on PS3 before the PC release and again on the PC via Steam (and a mate in the US)). And I haven't regretted a single cent of those two purchases.
Very few modern games have impressed me as much. The only downside was the short length -- I have no interest in the time trial stuff.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. :)
She's a really gorgeous character, and I don't just mean that in the sense that she's HAWT (even if she is that.) but the design and all the promo artwork was just gorgeous. I have the PS3 version of the game, and while it doesn't have quite all the bells and whistles as it does on the PC, it does have the benefit of running on my 47" 1080p TV. I was flipping through the concept art and such, and... it basically knocked my socks off.
Like you said, she's just a really beautiful character. She just looks exactly like she should given what she does for a living. Lean, nimble, athletic, lithe. You look at her arms, and they're slender, graceful, but you can see the slight bulge of muscles that you just -know- come from hanging on to all those ledges, pulling herself up the sides of buildings. They did an incredible job designing that character, and like I said, Faith is just damn gorgeous. That shot of her standing there looking at her own reflection in the side of that building is pretty much one of my favorite bits of artwork from that game. Plus, the actress they got to voice her pretty much nailed the role dead on. Even when all you're hearing is her panting during a long sprint, it just... sounds good. (And yes, I know that sounds dirty. Deal with it. HEH. :D )
And I haven't touched my copy in a while, but before I got distracted by other games, I did try the time trials and speedruns. And was pretty bad at them. I've watched videos of people doing them, and it just boggles my mind how people can pull off stuff like that consistently. BOGGLES my mind. Still, I'm a bit of an achievement whore, so maybe I'll go back to trying to complete more time trials some day. But agreed that the story mode was too short.