AlphaMonkey: I just have to say, bansama, I love the Faith avatar on your Steam profile. It's... nummy.
I don't know what it is about that character, perhaps it's because she's actually fairly realistic in terms of build, but well, she left an impression on me =)
And that particular piece of art with her hanging off a building and you viewing her reflection and that of the city behind her is simply stunning so yeah, it ended up as my avatar for Steam and my backdrop for this PC. I have slightly different Mirror's Edge artwork as the backdrop for my Japanese profile on the PS3.
The game itself too was one that I highly enjoyed and I've bought it twice at full price (once on PS3 before the PC release and again on the PC via Steam (and a mate in the US)). And I haven't regretted a single cent of those two purchases.
Very few modern games have impressed me as much. The only downside was the short length -- I have no interest in the time trial stuff.