Posted November 10, 2014

If you keep opting out of giveaways for games I know are on your wishlist (Schein!), then I may have to just start ninja gifting! I know what you're thinking, you are thinking that you just won't accept the ninja gifts, well you just go and ask Enebias how that worked out for him ;-). Mwahahahaahhaha!
Also, don't think I didn't notice you opting out of BMF's giveaway, I guess you never read my nominations post and what will happen to anyone who I nominate being humble and opting out? But I guess since I have such a busy workload, that I will have to let you off without punishment. It cost too much hunting people down :-).
I read your nomination post n BMF's GA thread a while back and can't really remember what threats you made there, will have to go and reread it, just for the extra laughs. (~_^)
On a more serious note, as I've explained in BMF's GA thread, I only recently won the grand prize in the last SIGIL GA - that was $30 that they wouldn't let me share with anyone else; I cannot in good conscience enter another GA for a long time to come, please understand this.
But if you insist, I will make an entry for Schein - a support entry for <span class="bold">mrkgnao</span>. (。◕‿◕。)
Do I need to edit my first post or is this a valid entry?