jcoa: Well, can anyone confirm what happens when you put in a correct address without a credit card?
EDIT:Actually, can they get your credit card info from your address? Because I don't exactly know if they can get credit card info from other people in the house from that.
How would they be able to do that? It sounds like stuff not even banks would be able to do. I already had a GMG account, but I don't remember if they have my CC info there. The Playfire sign-up definitely didn't ask for that info. The only bogus info I input, was the email address (I used one that I always use for stuff like this; removes the threat of unwanted spam). I was going to put my real Steam info in there, but I guess I didn't understand what the custom url thing means, and the Playfire page complained they couldn't find such username, but still let me proceed. So I guess they don't have that either. It says on one of the pages that by downloading Zombies I agree to receive notifications of promos and whatnot, but I think that was it. Those will go that spam address of mine; if they want to send flyers over seas to my physical address, then they're welcome to do so. They will go to the trash instantly anyway.
Actually getting the game was easy, their instructions were simple and didn't take so long. It now shows on my Capsule and I've done the install too. So I don't think you should worry about something being shady in the promo; GMG's a trustworthy site in my experience and I find hard time believing they would take part in any fishy shenanigans.
Ninja Blade today, folks (the reason I even bothered with the promo personally)