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I got to thinking with this release of M&M that World of Xeen was pretty hyped but the forty-five minutes I spent in the game looked like an endless town of doors.

Having said that, I have fond memories of going after the Minotaur in D&D for the Intellivision but that was way back before I ever knew of better.

You'd have to feel really sorry for the mid-teen kid that blows three months savings on a sealed copy of Final Fantasy 1 for the NES.

We hyped up a lot of that stuff big time because, at that moment in time, it was the best in existence.

If you tried to sit me down in front of the first Dragon Warrior or Phantasy Star right now, I'd puke all over your shoes.
I don't know about you, but I only recently got into console RPGs(I've been a PC gamer most of my life), and the NES and SNES titles do a lot more for me than, for example, Final Fantasy XIII.
carnival73: If you tried to sit me down in front of the first Dragon Warrior or Phantasy Star right now, I'd puke all over your shoes.
You disappoint me sir... I liked you before, but I don't think I can anymore.
Now I have to buy new pair!
Seriously, consider some of the game play mechanisms that were thrust upon us.

A lot of the early NES RPG's were very similar to one another and artificially extended game play time by requiring the player to run back and forth outside of the next town and farm battles until they earned enough gold to purchase the new equipment that they found in that town.

I had a friend whom loved FFX so he tried FF1 on its re-release and he just could not believe that every three steps of the way there was an random encounter, making things like walking a few extra steps down a hallway for a chest a big decision.

A lot of the games on this site have held up pretty well but some of those older titles that cherished back in the late eighties and early nineties - I just wouldn't have the patience to sit through them again.

Most of the action games back then were based on playing levels over and over again memorizing patterns. We had the patience to ace games that are now consider "Bullet Hell" because there just wasn't anything else available back then.
I gotta say, World of Xeen and Final Fantasy 1 have aged very, very well, in my opinion.
Mentalepsy: I gotta say, World of Xeen and Final Fantasy 1 have aged very, very well, in my opinion.
Yeah, but stop and think, with the library you have now and what you have available to you at this moment, what games did you patiently sit through and play religiously that you just no longer would have the patience for?

I remember SNK's Ikari Warriors for the NES.

I loved that game and mastered it and even despite no saves or checkpoints I still had to compensate for poor collision detection because, if you weren't careful, you could get stuck in a rock two minutes away from the game's final boss battle.

Or the classic Grim Reaper freeze in the first Castlevania right as you dealt the final blow.
Post edited March 10, 2011 by carnival73
Although I could probably go back and play Phantasy Star and Dragon Warrior. I still think that people pointing out that there was in fact a "Golden Age of Gaming" is fucking stupid. The thing is when we think of the old days of gaming we think of the classics of both console and pc gaming, say that games back then were better and that games nowadays are complete shit.

The problem is we mostly forget that there were in fact bad games back then, it's just that we forgot about them. Of course let's not forgot the trend of First Person Shooter trend that is "Killing Gaming" cause they were no trends back then, Newsflash they're were trends back then in fact I think more so. In the 90's for example there were countless 2d fighters, beat em ups, shoot em ups, platformers with stupid animal mascots, JRPG's, and tons of sequels. the difference between those trends and the trends now? people started bitching about the trends we have now for some reason calling Call of Duty cancer or some shit. Granted I'm not someone who likes Call of Duty but I certainly don't say it is killing gaming.

*Rant Over*
Post edited March 10, 2011 by deshadow52
Ah, but if there's anything good about the good old days, is the fact that we already know what was good and what was crap. We can sort the crap out and keep only the good. With new games, you don't have that luxury. You're still a victim of hype, of pretty graphics hiding glaring gameplay flaws, of bugs getting fixed after the game ships and of game designers discarding things that worked and replacing them with things that fail in the newer, prettier version.

I can go back to playing old games easy as long as they're fun gameplay wise and not too sorry on the eyes. New games always improve on the graphics, since it's a technology based feature, but story or gameplay is trickier to pull off and new games can easily lose the charm an old classic had.

Of course there are old games that were good before and not so much nowadays. Lots of old games have gotten better newer versions, but even then, if the old game was good, it packs the nostalgic factor, which can sometimes help to overlook it's limitations compared to present games.
deshadow52: Although I could probably go back and play Phantasy Star and Dragon Warrior. I still think that people pointing out that there was in fact a "Golden Age of Gaming" is fucking stupid. The thing is when we think of the old days of gaming we think of the classics of both console and pc gaming, say that games back then were better and that games nowadays are complete shit.

The problem is we mostly forget that there were in fact bad games back then, it's just that we forgot about them. Of course let's not forgot the trend of First Person Shooter trend that is "Killing Gaming" cause they were no trends back then, Newsflash they're were trends back then in fact I think more so. In the 90's for example there were countless 2d fighters, beat em ups, shoot em ups, platformers with stupid animal mascots, JRPG's, and tons of sequels. the difference between those trends and the trends now? people started bitching about the trends we have now for some reason calling Call of Duty cancer or some shit. Granted I'm not someone who likes Call of Duty but I certainly don't say it is killing gaming.

*Rant Over*
I completely agree & completely disagree at the same time.... that takes skill.
Mentalepsy: I gotta say, World of Xeen and Final Fantasy 1 have aged very, very well, in my opinion.
Yes, but the problem is that people think Final Fantasy and World of Xeen were normal for their eras, rather than exceptional. Of course there are classics that hold up, it's why they're classics, but that doesn't mean there weren't a whole lot of awful games as well. For every Gradius there was an Abadox, for every Zelda there was a Hydlide, for every Sonic there was an Aero the Acrobat. And on the PC, for every Doom there was a Corridor 7, for every Commander Keen a Jill of the Jungle, and for every Xeen a Moraff's World.

As for the guy who said he'd rather play Final Fantasy 1 than 13... well, yeah. Final Fantasy 13 is a terrible game. It's also not really representative of modern console RPGs as a whole, being FAR more linear and stripped down than just about anything else out there. It's a (failed) experiment on Square's part, and just because the series used to be the standard for console RPGs doesn't mean it still is.
It's kinda like someone walks into your house right now and takes your Call of Duty saying "Naw man, that's waaaay too much game for you. Take this." and hands you a sealed copy of Flicky.

Only to find that you can turn around and sell it on eBay for $150 to a teenage gamer that thinks that they've missed out on something great.
deshadow52: Although I could probably go back and play Phantasy Star and Dragon Warrior. I still think that people pointing out that there was in fact a "Golden Age of Gaming" is fucking stupid. The thing is when we think of the old days of gaming we think of the classics of both console and pc gaming, say that games back then were better and that games nowadays are complete shit.

The problem is we mostly forget that there were in fact bad games back then, it's just that we forgot about them. Of course let's not forgot the trend of First Person Shooter trend that is "Killing Gaming" cause they were no trends back then, Newsflash they're were trends back then in fact I think more so. In the 90's for example there were countless 2d fighters, beat em ups, shoot em ups, platformers with stupid animal mascots, JRPG's, and tons of sequels. the difference between those trends and the trends now? people started bitching about the trends we have now for some reason calling Call of Duty cancer or some shit. Granted I'm not someone who likes Call of Duty but I certainly don't say it is killing gaming.

*Rant Over*
Roberttitus: I completely agree & completely disagree at the same time.... that takes skill.
Can you elaborate I'm interested.
I think that the Good Old Days are partially justifiable as some genres of games fell into decline while others still flourish.
For example, name one first person shooter that is as good as NOLF. However RPGs that was a niche genre back in the 90's now is as healthy and mainstream as ever.
On the other hand there are as many good games now as there were back in the days with one exception - they advertise crap much more now and you have to wade through countless exercises in mediocrity to find a really good product.
P.S. I partially agree with carnival. Final Fantasy 1 aged horribly. The game is an unmitigated mess. Any other FF starting with 2nd is light years beyond it.
carnival73: I got to thinking with this release of M&M that World of Xeen was pretty hyped but the forty-five minutes I spent in the game looked like an endless town of doors.
It was either just not the game for you, or you never made it out of the first town into the great outdoors. WoX is my favorite M&M game. Turn-based combat, grid-based movement...I'm in heaven.