I tried to keep out of the discussion, mainly because I still find it hard to believe that something as innocent as a themed giveaway would cause such a fuss and also because I was hoping it would pass and we could get on with the actual topic. However, out of curiosity, to all those who seem to find this thread offensive, would you still be against this thread if there was no giveaway? If I had simply hosted a discussion asking the female gamers here to discuss their gaming choices, would this have been any different? If I had asked for only the women to respond because I valued their opinions, but offered no prizes, would that be any different?
Perhaps if I had started with the men's giveaway first and the women's after, there would probably not be an issue, would hosting the men's first have been different?
It seems that many, not all, of the complains here are that the men are excluded from the giveaway. That it is some injustice agains them. To be honest, I find this attitude and entitlement to be quite arrogant and pig headed. If it was GOG the company doing this, then okay, the complaints would maybe be more justified, but it's not a company, it's one person, a woman, trying to have a little fun and get to know some other women on the forum. The gifts are secondary to this topic, I offered them purely because I enjoy gifting. My main reason was to get a better understand of the type of games my fellow GOG girls play.
In the end, as many have said, it's my giveaway, it's my money that buys the gifts, and it's my choice who I include or not. I find it pathetic that so many men, because it seems to be mainly the men, are making such a big issue of something so innocent, just because they can't enter for a prize - and as I have not excluded men from the discussion, then it must be because of the prize. Welcome to the world of us women. If not been included for a giveaway, and lets not forget, the men are getting their own, so hardly unfair or sexist, if I was sexist I would not be hosting one for the men as well, would I? If this is the worst case of sexism you encounter then count yourself lucky. If you also consider something as small as two giveaways themed for men and women to be sexist, then you really should get out more and see what real sexism is. And I'm not just referring to the kind we have here in the West, take a look at some less developed nations, then you will see what true sexism is, and it's sure as hell is not offering two different giveaways that offer the exact same prizes, that do not prioritise or favour one gender over the other. Hardly bloody sexist when I host two identical giveaways for both genders.
I will be continuing this giveaway, and the mens version, as they are part of a two themed giveaway, a giveaway that was mean as a little fun and that most people understand and take for what it is, not try to make it something seedy. I contemplated stopping this or the next giveaway, after all, I want it to be about the topic, not some controversial topic shared by what seems to be the minority. But I won't, why should I, just because some people enjoy making an issue out of something that is not there. Of course, when I do host the second giveaway, the mens giveaway, all of you that are against this practice of offering both men and women their own equal giveaway can feel free not to enter, or not to take part all together. After all, I would not want you doing anything that would be against your values now would I?