ddickinson: How is it sexist or unfair if I am hosting one for the women and one for them men?
Vestin: Sexism is defined as discrimination based on a person's sex... This giveaway does "discriminate" in such a way, as will the other one. It fits the definition, therefore it is "sexist". Bear in mind - that's JUST A WORD. The giveaway is not only perfectly fine, it is a noble gesture of generosity for which I applaud you. Not all "discrimination" has to be bad - we discriminate all the time. Sometimes we discriminate by having preferences, sometimes we do so by telling things apart (that's also "discriminating").
The moral here is that "sexism" can be a perfectly fine and innocuous thing. This is an inconvenient truth to people who wish to use the term as a bludgeon, relying on the implicit "if sexist then UNSPEAKABLY BAD" assumption.
tl;dr Carry on ^^!
Actually, to be a stickler, the word "sexism" only has negative meaning.
The GA itself is not sexist because it's just a fuckin' GA.
The comment that "women get enough freebies thrown at them for no particularly good reason to begin with" (quoting hedwards) was in fact, sexist.
HijacK: I don't remember, but it's not important anyway What IS indeed important is shaorma.
And since I'm being an ass, isn't it shawarma?