Since apparently, people don't get it, I'll explain why PMing me asking for codes is not nice. Yes. I am giving free games to random people. However, I'm doing so on my terms. And it so happens I don't particularly enjoy having people PMing me begging for game codes, which is why I'm giving away codes on a giveaway that specifically asks not to send me PMs. Asking for a gift while not respecting the, IMO, modest wishes of the gifter is not nice by my book. What can I say, I'm a horrible person like that.
Then again, that's just my own personal preference. I believe jamyskis is doing it to keep things fair and limit the GA to one code per person, that's hard to track when PMing is involved. Still not nice to spam him with PMs when he asked people to request the game on this thread.
Finally, and there's the scummer people and the ungrateful ninjas. I'm not a fan of either of those. Which is why I will not like a person with 0 rep PMing me for a code, then getting offended for not getting and being told he was not being nice, and blocking PMs from that point on. The fact that this person stated he didn't need it anymore, which timing wise makes me think he got one cannard's codes and never bothered showing up here to thank him, only makes me confirm my views. And sure he might have thanked him via PM, but I somehow doubt it.