amok: yes, I like it a lot. It is one of the few original games.
Fenixp: I was ... Actually kind of disappointed that it wasn't.
***Anyone who has no clue what to expect of the game - stop reading here. It's best experienced with no information before playing it. Also, get it, it's great.***
Right, I really didn't like that what the game mostly did was a fairly typical adventure game with preset points where the character could go. Lights mostly served as a cursor and camera was ... heh ... kind of awkward. That's the point tho, so I'm not complaining about it. What I am complaining about it that I hoped the main protagonist will have 'head' of her own - that she'll refuse to do some stuff I ask her to, or ... Well, I just generally expected much more personality out of her, and was kind of sad that I mostly got a puppet who listens to my every command, as in any other adventure game.
**** stop reading if you want to experience the game properly for the first time ****
Yes, the premiss is more interesting then the actual execution, but it is still very original in that you do not actually control a avatar in the game, and the main gameplay premiss is based on surveillance. While Lea may at time not be seen to clever, the game changes depending on how you act towards her (respect her privacy, keep her safe and so on), though this is not explicitly explained to the player but only experienced in different play-troughs and do thing differently. It has it flaws, but it is an experiment (joke intended) in game play.