Posted March 10, 2010

The only way I can see that it can possibly work is if the "points" in question are in fact control points for splines or bezier patches, and the renderer then interpolates between them. If they've found a way to do that cheaply and in real time, with full lighting and texturing, then this will truly revolutionize computer graphics as much as they say. It would make no additional demands of the artists, but would simply skip the conversion of the model to a fixed low-poly version, and instead use the fully detailed original model.
Haven't researched voxels thoroughly, so take my explanation worth a grain of salt. But essentially voxels (derived from virtual pixels) are pixels dispersed in 3D space. Entirely different concept from anything polygonal. Think more like, particles. If you zoom close enough into a stream of particle effects like smoke or something, you can't see through either, right? If you look at a "lo res" voxel model, you can see the jagged individual voxels. But since you can render many more of them less "expensively" than polygons, you can use enough to make your models as smooth as you'd like.