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Disappointed with werewolves in Skyrim:

The only way to become a werewolf seems to be to join and advance within a certain guild. This is an unwanted limitation on what type of character can become a werewolf without forgoing a sense of roleplaying: Anyone not playing a certain type of character must join an ill-suited faction to gain the power (and further, from a roleplaying perspective, the character has no knowledge that the faction is the keeper of that power, eliminating the possibility of playing at manipulating the faction to gain what the character wants).

Werewolves cannot sneak while in beast form (contrast this to werewolves having a set 95 Sneak skill in Morrowind). These werewolves aren't hunters but instead DPS warriors with some crowd control (fear-inducing howl & possiblity of knockdown w/power attacks).

Werewolves cannot perform the superhuman leaps of which they were capable in Morrowind.

The mechanic of feeding to maintain beast form is not implemented well. Only humanoid creatures of playable races can be fed upon, significantly reducing the usefulness of the power in dungeons and areas not dense with such enemies. Given that limitation, the default duration of the power (180 seconds) and the extension from feeding (30 seconds) are far too short. As a further limitation, the power can only be used once per day.

Wolves aren't hostile when in beast form but fail to recognize the character when in human form. This is just f***ing assine considering guards comment "You smell of wet dog!" Guess those guards have a keener sense of smell than wolves? WTF.

Tbh, I use my werewolf power primarily for transportation in wilderness areas or on lonely roads: Werewolves can sprint as fast a horse, which makes for a nice substitute given how stupid horses sometimes behave in this game. Sometimes I use it to kill groups of bandits I stumble upon. That's about it. :-|

Would it have been so difficult to take basic mechanics of Morrowind werewolves, patch up its flaws, level the power to increase with character level to avoid an overpowered mechanic, and add some nifty extras? Modders have done it for Morrowind and Oblivion, but Bethesda can't do it? Obviously they could have done so but preferred to shoehorn werewolves into their crap concept of "warrior, mage, OR thief".

Eh, that's enough ranting from me for now.

To end with something positive, I'm enjoying the game more now that I'm frequently using a bow. The ability to "de-nock" or "un-nock" (or whatever) an arrow is a great mod-inspired change from previous TES games.
Post edited November 27, 2011 by ddmuse
One more for level / loot scaling and getting into more difficult areas:

I just went to a place where a higher draugr deathlord left his coffin. Took my about 10 minutes and a lot of kiting to get him down, but he dropped a ebony war axe - my char is lvl 12 and the highest loot so far was an orcish bow.
So getting loot outside of your lvl range is definitely possible.
Public service announcement for anyone in Japan who may have ordered this over Steam.

You may want to ask Steam support for a refund as it's looking more and more likely that Skyrim (JP) versions will be Japanese language only. Which also means the current pre-load data will be rendered useless upon release.

While someone at Bethesda Japan has stated they will be "investigating this" and that "they will look to make it possible to access an English version too", they have not been able to confirm whether that will be possible on release. They also stated that "if you want an English version, you should get an import copy".

Further, the Steam store page, as of yesterday, now states it will be Japanese language only.

So, if you want to avoid the this current situation, get a refund and either have Skyrim gifted over Steam from anywhere else, or buy it for a non-Steam source.
KneeTheCap: about voice acting, I have only this to say:


reaver894: that irritating little whelp, I killed him with magic, used the console to ressurect him, killed him with fists, then raised his corpse with magic and killed the skeleton (ok skelly isnt true, wish id thought of it at the time)
Cicero is the Adoring Fan reincarnated two hundred years later in a distant land.
ddmuse: Disappointed with werewolves in Skyrim:
Yeah, I cured mine for the well-rested benefits because I never used it.
I fucking hate that your horse will auto-aggro on nearby enemies once you've dismounted. I've had to go through 5 horses so far due to not having a nearby autosave.

The horses also get killed really easily falling just small distances.

Starting to pray for horse armor at this rate ...
stonebro: Starting to pray for horse armor at this rate ...
Once the mod tools come out marking your horse as essential will be a 5 second job.
stonebro: Starting to pray for horse armor at this rate ...
StingingVelvet: Once the mod tools come out marking your horse as essential will be a 5 second job.
You have to wonder why Bethesda didn't do it, tho. If they didn't want to script decent A.I. or companion control (option to set horse to non-aggressive, to retreat a short distance when battle commences, to *not* charge f***ing dragons, etc), at least they could have marked horses essential to compensate for their design laziness.
Post edited November 27, 2011 by ddmuse


(sorry :P)
ddmuse: You have to wonder why Bethesda didn't do it, tho. least they could have marked horses essential to compensate for their design laziness.
... and you'd quickly see videos of chars hidding behind some obstacle, while their immortal horse beats a dragon. How would that be called if not "design laziness"? :p
ddmuse: You have to wonder why Bethesda didn't do it, tho. least they could have marked horses essential to compensate for their design laziness.
Siannah: ... and you'd quickly see videos of chars hidding behind some obstacle, while their immortal horse beats a dragon. How would that be called if not "design laziness"? :p
That would be awesome :) heh I just wish the AI for people who follow you was better, I dont know how many times I've killed my own people and had to reload.
ddmuse: You have to wonder why Bethesda didn't do it, tho. least they could have marked horses essential to compensate for their design laziness.
Siannah: ... and you'd quickly see videos of chars hidding behind some obstacle, while their immortal horse beats a dragon. How would that be called if not "design laziness"? :p
Well, that could be gotten over by either A) setting horses to be non-aggressive [eg: will not attack enemies] and/or B) when down to low/minimal health the horse falls unconcious [like companions in FONV if not on Hardcore mode, or Oblivion essential NPC's]

That said, my horse runs away from dragons [smart horse!] and tends to only get angry at wild animals or.. well, everything but dragons [he killed 3 bandits at a fort once before I could get to them :/].

Probably helps that I play on Easy because I suck at first person games [and on Easy companions do not die that I have seen, they just drop to one knee when their health hits a certain level and do not fight [they also are removed from enemy "aggro" lists]].

One thing I am looking forward to having a mod for [eventually] is allowing companions to level up with you. As it stands now they seem to be level locked at whatever level they spawn at [in other words when you first enter the cell they "reside" in or they are scripted to appear [like Lydia, your first house carl]]. This means that some companions will always be too low level to be effective at much of anything [most definitely Lydia if following the main quest to Whiterun at least, others depend on where your travels take you out of the "tutorial"]

I also am looking forward to the creation kit so I can modify the Whiterun home [Breezehome] to add quite a few more interactive bookshelves. I am an avid book collector and want to try and have one of every tome in the game [yeah, tall order heh]. Breezehome only comes with 2 interactive shelves though :/ [I do applaud Bethesda for doing the shelves and weapon racks though, you needed mods in Oblivion to do the same sort of thing. I love being able to stack my books neatly in a shelf by just placing them in the shelf inventory :)]
akwater: That would be awesome :) heh I just wish the AI for people who follow you was better, I dont know how many times I've killed my own people and had to reload.
Tell me about it. That stupid beatch of a Housecarl, Lydia, keeps jumping in front of my Flames of Doooooooom(tm) spells when I'm near enemies. Luckily, she's only managed to die once through them, while they chomp through hordes of bandits and necromancers at will.

Also : Anyone found Morrowind and Vvardenfell yet? :P Cyrodill? No buildings/towns/cities, but the land is there (although you do have to use "noclip" on the console to get there - the open gate blocks you from passing through it normally. Perhaps a DLC in the future "opens" it...
You're a vampire, so I'd guess that you're visiting his house at night. Did you know that he leaves each night to go out into the marsh? Try searching for him in the marsh around the city at night or waiting inside his house until daylight to see if he returns (if the game counts entering his house as trespassing and won't allow you to wait, go there immediately before daylight and wait in real-time). Also, you'll need enough gold to purchase a black soul gem from him if you don't have one (prob 800-1000 gold, less if your Speech skill is higher).

Of course, it could be bugged or poorly designed such that he might have been killed out in the marsh somewhere... :-P
Post edited November 27, 2011 by ddmuse
Yep got the gem he tells me to meet him in the marsh at dawn.....I waited 3 game days real time had more then one dawn..../sigh