Posted September 28, 2011

Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom

Registered: Oct 2008
From United Kingdom

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted September 28, 2011
Well I can't even say that I am disappointed or surprised because after reading some preview of the games months ago that were already fearing the new "orientation" of the game so it's hardly a surprise.
Then again after Oblivion it's not like I was expecting much from the next TES game.
Then again after Oblivion it's not like I was expecting much from the next TES game.

The iron-y
Registered: Nov 2008
From Slovenia
Posted September 28, 2011
I weep because fate has decreed I play this game on day one (perhaps two, three max if shipping fails me (for the last time)). I know it will be great but bland in the long run. Soooo wish we had back the days when producing something like Morrowind was profitable.
The thing that saves any Bethesda TES product after (and perhaps including) Morrowind, (although in this case it enhances) is the brilliant mod community.
The thing that saves any Bethesda TES product after (and perhaps including) Morrowind, (although in this case it enhances) is the brilliant mod community.
Post edited September 29, 2011 by Titanium

Sneaky Scribe
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted September 28, 2011
Have you played Demon's Souls or read anything about the new Dark Souls? Nothing like a jrpg there...
In addition to the Skyrim bitching, to me most of the stuff they took out isn't core to the RPG mechanic. Yes, they took out classes, but classes were utterly irrelevant to the game anyway except for some starting perks. Major/Minor skills were so borked in Oblivion I'm actually happy they are out, not worrying about them is in my opinion BETTER for making a character you want. If you want restrictions, do it yourself when you play. I like the perks, they give more flexibility and depth into the character, and I've seen a list they're not useless nor irrelevant.
I do have an issue with taking out the character stats like Intel, Charisma, etc, that part annoys me and removes a big portion of the character creation step.
Where did you get fewer guilds? there's a good chunk in the game still. A big chunk of stuff you're complaining about was already true in Oblivion like walled off cities, no crossbows/polearms/pauldrons/location damage.
I'm happy about no weapon degradation. It didn't add anything constructive to the game IMO except an annoying upkeep requirement that was not FUN.
Anyway, I'm still looking forward to it. Less than I was looking forward to Oblivion after Morrowind since Oblivion was a let down, but still looking forward to it
EDIT: But the main thing I AM excited about is that they are hand crafting all environments after the copy/paste debacle of Oblivion. What makes Elder Scrolls great is the exploration. Character generation is secondary to me.
In addition to the Skyrim bitching, to me most of the stuff they took out isn't core to the RPG mechanic. Yes, they took out classes, but classes were utterly irrelevant to the game anyway except for some starting perks. Major/Minor skills were so borked in Oblivion I'm actually happy they are out, not worrying about them is in my opinion BETTER for making a character you want. If you want restrictions, do it yourself when you play. I like the perks, they give more flexibility and depth into the character, and I've seen a list they're not useless nor irrelevant.
I do have an issue with taking out the character stats like Intel, Charisma, etc, that part annoys me and removes a big portion of the character creation step.
Where did you get fewer guilds? there's a good chunk in the game still. A big chunk of stuff you're complaining about was already true in Oblivion like walled off cities, no crossbows/polearms/pauldrons/location damage.
I'm happy about no weapon degradation. It didn't add anything constructive to the game IMO except an annoying upkeep requirement that was not FUN.
Anyway, I'm still looking forward to it. Less than I was looking forward to Oblivion after Morrowind since Oblivion was a let down, but still looking forward to it
EDIT: But the main thing I AM excited about is that they are hand crafting all environments after the copy/paste debacle of Oblivion. What makes Elder Scrolls great is the exploration. Character generation is secondary to me.
Post edited September 28, 2011 by ilves

I must break you
Registered: Aug 2011
From United States
Posted September 28, 2011
I know a guy who worked an extra two years before retiring to do so on 11/11/11.

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island

Sneaky Scribe
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted September 28, 2011
Another game I don't care about.
Passed Fallout 3, and New Vegas, will pass on this one too.
Passed Fallout 3, and New Vegas, will pass on this one too.

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted September 28, 2011
No money, still a couple dozen games in the backlog that aren't finished, they still keep releasing DLCs.
Even if I had the money, I still wouldn't have bought it because I want to have a full copy of the release, and until they release a GOTY or something, I'm not getting it.
Even if I had the money, I still wouldn't have bought it because I want to have a full copy of the release, and until they release a GOTY or something, I'm not getting it.

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted September 28, 2011

Even if I had the money, I still wouldn't have bought it because I want to have a full copy of the release, and until they release a GOTY or something, I'm not getting it.
that's why i asked.

New User
Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted September 28, 2011
I know I'll catch heat for this.
The Elder Scrolls series wasn't a very good RPG series to begin with (I haven't played Daggerfall so I admit that). In Morrowind and Oblivion you could completely break every stat and skill to make yourself god-like with little work. Quests in both games were generally "go here, do this, come back". The only "choice" in either game was if you wanted to do things or not. But what they did was give you a sandbox to define your own character as you played it.
To me, I'd rather they put emphasis on the adventure and scope of the game then on RPG mechanics that are broken/can be broken easily. As long as the game still has levels, still has feats, still has progression as you play it'll be "dumbed down", sure, but most of what's been taken was pointless.
The Elder Scrolls series wasn't a very good RPG series to begin with (I haven't played Daggerfall so I admit that). In Morrowind and Oblivion you could completely break every stat and skill to make yourself god-like with little work. Quests in both games were generally "go here, do this, come back". The only "choice" in either game was if you wanted to do things or not. But what they did was give you a sandbox to define your own character as you played it.
To me, I'd rather they put emphasis on the adventure and scope of the game then on RPG mechanics that are broken/can be broken easily. As long as the game still has levels, still has feats, still has progression as you play it'll be "dumbed down", sure, but most of what's been taken was pointless.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted September 28, 2011

The Elder Scrolls series wasn't a very good RPG series to begin with (I haven't played Daggerfall so I admit that). In Morrowind and Oblivion you could completely break every stat and skill to make yourself god-like with little work. Quests in both games were generally "go here, do this, come back". The only "choice" in either game was if you wanted to do things or not. But what they did was give you a sandbox to define your own character as you played it.
To me, I'd rather they put emphasis on the adventure and scope of the game then on RPG mechanics that are broken/can be broken easily. As long as the game still has levels, still has feats, still has progression as you play it'll be "dumbed down", sure, but most of what's been taken was pointless.