Posted November 21, 2011

min maxers will be the whiners that dont like "Skyrim" i usually am one but i decided im not going to exploit the game by making uber level poisons and getting my Armor to 400+ before im lvl 3 ((which you can)) and also enchants that effectively nullify the need for mana...
its possible to make the entire game a cake walk... or you can play it and have fun... in fact im having more fun in Skyrim then i ever did in MW or Oblivion, each of which Ive invested 100+ hours...
And the reason you need to work on those skills, is because using them "in the field" doesn't raise them enough. After 20 hours or so, my sneaking is still just 55 and I'm sneaking ALL THE TIME! Every kill I make is a sneak kill so how on earth can I only be at level 55? I pick every lock as well and I'm just level 50 either and I've picked hundreds and hundreds of locks. Sure, I'm surviving without them being level 100, but as a thief you want to sneak as well as possible and even at level 55, you're easily spotted.
In general, I'd say the game needs to be rebalanced - some skills need to be modded to make more sense, to be more or less rewarding, or to level up fast enough compared to how you explore the game. It's just not quite there.
I always find the easiest way to make money, and picking pockets really makes a killing - go to Riften, do one quest, and you have a fence that gets fresh money every day so it's highly rewarding to steal from then on.
Then I found a second method that's even easier: enchant the loot from caves and stuff using soulgems and sell them or, even better, do the Azura quest and get Azura's star (i recommend getting the black star) and you can easily make very powerful weapons and sell them for 500+ gold each. Then with the money, you can easily BUY the skills from any trainer you encounter.