godspeeed: Leveling is different than other RPGs, most enemies will scale with you so level mainly affect perks and details like this. You could finish the game without leveling.
jefequeso: whaaaaa...?
that's...stupid. What's the point, then?
The point is so even dumb derp duuuuh console gamers could play the game without hurting their scarce braincells over such things as "stats". When you play Morrowind after playing Skyrim, you can't help but notice that anything that was a bit hard has been completely removed:
- stealing and breaking in is piss easy now
- much easier to make money
- no stats at all except for health, mana and stamina.
- increasing skills is a lot easier in most cases
- Skyrim is a lot more forgiving
- every dungeon you enter has enemies you can easily defeat. In Morrowind, it was a gamble whether you'd get your ass handed to you or not and if you were clever, you could defeat much tougher enemies and get rewarded with amazing loot.
etc. etc. etc.
Seriously, I miss the game being hard. Even at the hardest difficulty, it still scales everything to your level except animals.