Posted November 19, 2011

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

via apipa
Registered: Feb 2011
From Canada
Posted November 19, 2011
you can also purchase/download a pdf official game guide 700 pages of everything you will ever need to know. May be handy

Foolish Mortal
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted November 19, 2011

Those guides usually suck (the Fallout 3 and Dragon Age guides were terrible), and besides that I'm not paying for information that should have been included with the game in a manual. Thanks for the tip, tho.
Post edited November 19, 2011 by ddmuse

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted November 19, 2011

Foolish Mortal
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted November 20, 2011
The help section is on the menu containing save and load. As expected, it's VERY basic. Mostly useless. More trial and error for me, it seems.

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted November 20, 2011

I just deleted all my ini files (for the game, not all on my computer) and had the launcher recreate them. Apparently one of the 'tweaks' advertised on the internet causes the game to slowly become unplayable (took days before it became noticeable).
I don't have the will to try it, but you could theoretically just try removing a tweak at a time to see what caused it (v-sync?) because it immediately fixes the game, no need to go to an old save.
Also, am I the only one that thinks the thievery and assassinations are the most fun part of the game? :P

Another bookah
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted November 20, 2011
Just a word of warning : don't use the Aura Whisper shout until they fix the glowing eyes bug. Stupid bug really gets on your nerves after a while, and only way to get rid of it so far is to go back to an earlier save that wasn't bugged.
My only non-bugged savegame is too old though, no way I'm going back to it. I know how to reproduce the bug easily : using Aura Whisper just after having entered Forsaken Cave gives me the glowing eyes, but I've tried doing a "before and after" comparison with 2 savegames and I can't pinpoint any particular section, they're just too different. Maybe I could try figuring out how to fix it with Cheat engine but I doubt I'd succeed.
This is driving me crazy.
My only non-bugged savegame is too old though, no way I'm going back to it. I know how to reproduce the bug easily : using Aura Whisper just after having entered Forsaken Cave gives me the glowing eyes, but I've tried doing a "before and after" comparison with 2 savegames and I can't pinpoint any particular section, they're just too different. Maybe I could try figuring out how to fix it with Cheat engine but I doubt I'd succeed.
This is driving me crazy.

via apipa
Registered: Feb 2011
From Canada
Posted November 20, 2011

I just deleted all my ini files (for the game, not all on my computer) and had the launcher recreate them. Apparently one of the 'tweaks' advertised on the internet causes the game to slowly become unplayable (took days before it became noticeable).
I don't have the will to try it, but you could theoretically just try removing a tweak at a time to see what caused it (v-sync?) because it immediately fixes the game, no need to go to an old save.
Also, am I the only one that thinks the thievery and assassinations are the most fun part of the game? :P

The guide for Elder scroll is actually really practical.
Quest guides with spoiler alerts (if important quests cross each others they will let you know.
List of all unique items, list of all standing stones, daedric artifact and quests, location of all skill books (MUST HAVE), main quests, side quests, checklists for items, etc.
There is a map of every dungeon with checklists for chests and everything. For completionists players its really well done. A nice addition is the huge map that you can post on your wall and figure how your going to justify this to your girflriend when she says ''what the F this place does'nt even exist why do you put this fake map on the wall''.
Worth every penny :)
Post edited November 20, 2011 by godspeeed

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted November 20, 2011
Bored of my spellsword after 74 hours and at level 37. Finished the mage, legion and fighters questlines.
Starting an archer/dagger/stealth argonian after dinner and will go for the thieves/dark brotherhood/stormcloak questlines.
Starting an archer/dagger/stealth argonian after dinner and will go for the thieves/dark brotherhood/stormcloak questlines.

via apipa
Registered: Feb 2011
From Canada
Posted November 20, 2011
if you plan on doing anything that has to do with assassination start with the companions, lorewise it has nothing to do with it but has a nice perk for murders without bounty

Foolish Mortal
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted November 20, 2011
The mechanics of Conjuration still irk me.
The skill progress bar is raised immediately by a large amount when casting bound weapon spells such as Bound Sword while in combat (or perhaps simply whenever an enemy is nearby; this would be the preferable case else summoning a bound weapon while sneaking might not result in skill progress). Need to experiment more, but the basic mechanic is verified.
The skill progress bar seems to be raised only a very small amount when summoning creatures. SV suggests that skill progress is raised by an amount relative to the amount of damage a summoned creature deals to enemies. Not verified by me yet, but seems likely.
What I don't get is why the two types of spells seem to be handled differently. Why not handle both by the damage-dealt method (which limits spell-spamming to raise skill) or the skill-progress-only-in-combat method (which also limits spell-spamming to raise skill)?
As it stands, the discrepancy between the two is staggering: Progressing Conjuration skill takes a LOT longer summoning creatures (Conjure Familiar, Conjure Flame Atronach) than summoning bound weapons (Bound Sword; between one and three castings has been consistently raising my skill). I'd rather eschew bound weapons for enchanted, but that seems untenable in the long run because of this issue.
Also, I don't seem to be able to view stats for bound weapons - bound weapons don't appear in the Weapons section of my inventory. That's just f***ing wrong. (Plz tell me I'm missing some obvious part of the display listing these stats...)
The skill progress bar is raised immediately by a large amount when casting bound weapon spells such as Bound Sword while in combat (or perhaps simply whenever an enemy is nearby; this would be the preferable case else summoning a bound weapon while sneaking might not result in skill progress). Need to experiment more, but the basic mechanic is verified.
The skill progress bar seems to be raised only a very small amount when summoning creatures. SV suggests that skill progress is raised by an amount relative to the amount of damage a summoned creature deals to enemies. Not verified by me yet, but seems likely.
What I don't get is why the two types of spells seem to be handled differently. Why not handle both by the damage-dealt method (which limits spell-spamming to raise skill) or the skill-progress-only-in-combat method (which also limits spell-spamming to raise skill)?
As it stands, the discrepancy between the two is staggering: Progressing Conjuration skill takes a LOT longer summoning creatures (Conjure Familiar, Conjure Flame Atronach) than summoning bound weapons (Bound Sword; between one and three castings has been consistently raising my skill). I'd rather eschew bound weapons for enchanted, but that seems untenable in the long run because of this issue.
Also, I don't seem to be able to view stats for bound weapons - bound weapons don't appear in the Weapons section of my inventory. That's just f***ing wrong. (Plz tell me I'm missing some obvious part of the display listing these stats...)
Post edited November 20, 2011 by ddmuse

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

Poops Darkmatter
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted November 21, 2011
he meant [url=http://www.Becoming_a_Werewolf_and_killing_without_it_being_tracked_to]SPOILER[/url]
Post edited November 21, 2011 by Starkrun

Foolish Mortal
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted November 21, 2011
For fun, check out:
Skyrim Meets Metal
One of the top comments:
"His smithing skill must be pretty high, he's really good with metal."
Lots of other metal/rock/techno/whatnot versions on YouTube.
This one is sweet, too:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Sons of Skyrim - Metal Cover
Skyrim Meets Metal
One of the top comments:
"His smithing skill must be pretty high, he's really good with metal."
Lots of other metal/rock/techno/whatnot versions on YouTube.
This one is sweet, too:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Sons of Skyrim - Metal Cover
Post edited November 21, 2011 by ddmuse

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States