Posted November 10, 2011

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

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4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted November 10, 2011
I would really love to read a review or hear some opinions from the perspective of a Morrowind fan. I recently even tryed Oblivion again to scratch that Morrowind itch I had. But even with some Mods it just didn't cut it.
Oblivion was somewhat like a very pretty girlfriend that only gave handjobs. Fun to look at, but you want more. And I'm hoping that Skyrim is a little bit more nasty ...
Oblivion was somewhat like a very pretty girlfriend that only gave handjobs. Fun to look at, but you want more. And I'm hoping that Skyrim is a little bit more nasty ...

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted November 10, 2011
Its a good game i didnt like oblivion very much i had my copy of skyrim yesterday and i think its a great game and i have to say it even got some blood and gore I never expected that from an elder scroll game. It still has quick travel but i think sometimes it is good but not always. There is lot to do and you can even craft your own gear and the dungeons are even fun it isnt bland as oblivion but i have to say 1 thing but i cant say for sure but most dungeons have scripted events in it, like puzzles it is something to get used to expacily since there is no attribiutes anymore but i dont miss them i finaly can mold the character i want to play.

New User
Registered: May 2010
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4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted November 10, 2011

It's definitely not a bad game, but it's also not a 9.5 game as for example IGN has rated it.
I'm just very, very glad I decided against buying the Collector's Edition.
I'll be plonking in some more hours, but it's not a game that is so exciting you have to put your life on hold (as some people seem to think).

Local Dragonsawr
Registered: Apr 2010
From Venezuela
Posted November 10, 2011
That was there in Oblivion, and I believe they said they made it so you can always find lower level creatures, like in F3, and some higher level ones in just a few places. Oblivion was horrid because you'd never find easy pickings anywhere unless you modded the game as i did (MMM FTW).

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted November 10, 2011

The game looks nice, menus look better, and the presentation was slick.
But there were things that kept nagging at me. The motto seemed to be to take Oblivion and how you could do anything at any time, but make it easier to break the game systems or do everything in the game. So every character can dual wield spells, or weapons, and basically do anything they want at virtually any level. As one commentator put it "You don't have to agonize over creating a character anymore!"
There was also the revelation that when you enter a dungeon or a cave, everything will be leveled to match you. So you can always complete it. Not sure about the world at large, but I wouldn't be surprised if it applied in the same way.
It seems like they just advanced everything from Oblivion instead of realizing what worked or didn't. If there's no decision making, and every character can do anything at any time with minimal work, and there's no challenge in the game due to the leveling, what left is there? Why even have stats at all?

Post edited November 10, 2011 by hercufles

New User
Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted November 10, 2011

euh what?
Registered: May 2009
From Netherlands
Posted November 10, 2011

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands