StingingVelvet: Even taking away all the ways Bethesda games are best on PC, the PS3 versions of their games are notoriously buggy and ugly. Fallout 3 froze all the time, according to tons of PS3 players.
No, they're really not.
I have owned every console (and own every current gen one) and I have a very nice gaming PC and the graphics are not that far apart.
Bug-wise, I've encountered waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more crashes on the PC versions of games than on the console ones, perhaps I've just been 'lucky' that way.
I'm talking plain vanilla Bethesda games of course, after you add the mods and texture packs and such the PC versions are better looking and less buggy.
The problem is the crappy engine they use, not the hardware on which it runs.
Oh and in case anyone's wondering, it's very much Oblivion 1.5.
The graphics are somewhat better, most noticeably in the landscape.. the PCs and NPCs still have faces like apes and still walk around with a gigantic stick inserted in their rectum.
I really love the fact that a new 'feature' of the character generator is dirt though, because I've always hated the fact that my characters didn't have enough dirt on their face.