wodmarach: MS not much Halo4 stuff possibly new Kinect functions and exclusives for it, and hints they are working on the next gen console "This is something you won't be seeing for awhile but we thought you'd like a sneak peak" type thing and some shiny game graphics for the next gen (we won't see hardware till next year at a guess and I would love them to pull a 360s with a new console but they won't next year they'll announce it for the holidays)
Sony. PSN+ PSN+ PSN+ vita... thats it nothing too big since like MS they have nothing really planned for next year as thats when you'll get the PS4 reveal as a spoiler to the next xbox (since this will likely not release till a year after MS's console)
Ninty, all WiiU all the time then something new in the gameboy line and announced ship dates for the WiiU.
I just hope Nintendo announces the next 3DS model which includes a second control stick that is the reason why I have not purchased a 3DS yet