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The Last of US looks absolutely brilliant.

The Sony conference was pretty good overall, not great thanks to that Book of Spells for Move that took way too much time which could be used for better games. Still, i understand Sonys reasons, they have to show something suited for family and casual players.

Still, way better than Microsofts terrible conference.
Post edited June 04, 2012 by Neobr10
So far my biggest dissapointment with E3 is Resident Evil 6...........I will counter any argument as best as I can that people say it's still a survival horror because it's just another non-different shooter and anything that makes the game better actually ruins it as a survival horror
(like moving and shooting)

Post edited June 04, 2012 by Elmofongo
hmm decided to look up MS studios thinking they mustn't have a big dev base at present.. they currently have 12 unnamed titles in production... even if we assume 4 of those are for windows thats still 8 games unannounced this E3...
Neobr10: The Last of US looks absolutely brilliant.

The Sony conference was pretty good overall, not great thanks to that Book of Spells for Move that took way too much time which could be used for better games. Still, i understand Sonys reasons, they have to show something suited for family and casual players.

Still, way better than Microsofts terrible conference.
For Vita sure. For PS3? I'm not sure I can call it a victory over MS :S Both show signs of an EOL'd console...
Post edited June 04, 2012 by wodmarach
wodmarach: hmm decided to look up MS studios thinking they mustn't have a big dev base at present.. they currently have 12 unnamed titles in production... even if we assume 4 of those are for windows thats still 8 games unannounced this E3...
Neobr10: The Last of US looks absolutely brilliant.

The Sony conference was pretty good overall, not great thanks to that Book of Spells for Move that took way too much time which could be used for better games. Still, i understand Sonys reasons, they have to show something suited for family and casual players.

Still, way better than Microsofts terrible conference.
wodmarach: For Vita sure. For PS3? I'm not sure I can call it a victory over MS :S Both show signs of an EOL'd console...
what the hell does EOL mean?
Elmofongo: what the hell does EOL mean?
End Of Life
Elmofongo: what the hell does EOL mean?
wodmarach: End Of Life
is it me or I do not think MS and Sony will never make another console because of their online distribution service

Well I am interested in what Nintendo got in store for us tomorrow
Post edited June 04, 2012 by Elmofongo
wodmarach: End Of Life
Elmofongo: is it me or I do not think MS and Sony will never make another console because of their online distribution service
Durango is a known project and is definately a console, PS4 we don't even have a code name for yet though we do know it's an AMD GPU (NV let it slip they didn't have that contract in an earnings call)
Elmofongo: is it me or I do not think MS and Sony will never make another console because of their online distribution service
wodmarach: Durango is a known project and is definately a console, PS4 we don't even have a code name for yet though we do know it's an AMD GPU (NV let it slip they didn't have that contract in an earnings call)
yeah but they could cancel it
Just noticed this on youtube.
Found it funny.

EDIT: YouTube link.
Post edited June 04, 2012 by saldite
Elmofongo: yeah but they could cancel it
The 360 and ps3 are woefully underpowered though for modern TV's they need at least 1 more upgrade for 120Hz TV's (60fps 3d) and likely 1 after that for 4kHD I don't see TV's moving much after 4k though as that is already overkill
Elmofongo: yeah but they could cancel it
wodmarach: The 360 and ps3 are woefully underpowered though for modern TV's they need at least 1 more upgrade for 120Hz TV's (60fps 3d) and likely 1 after that for 4kHD I don't see TV's moving much after 4k though as that is already overkill
oh sony I don't know where the source is so mabye where I heard is bullshit but years ago when ps3 first launched,they said PS3 is not designed to be obsolete
Post edited June 04, 2012 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: oh sony I don't know where the source is so mabye where I heard is bullshit but years ago when ps3 first launched,they said PS3 is not designed to be obsolete
I don't think they designed it to be obsolete, but it was an inevitability since technology always marches forward. When they released it they were planning on it being a 10-year console, but that may have just been marketing. The fact that there are multiple console manufacturers means competition, which means someone will always re-start the arms race.
Elmofongo: oh sony I don't know where the source is so mabye where I heard is bullshit but years ago when ps3 first launched,they said PS3 is not designed to be obsolete
kodeen: I don't think they designed it to be obsolete, but it was an inevitability since technology always marches forward. When they released it they were planning on it being a 10-year console, but that may have just been marketing. The fact that there are multiple console manufacturers means competition, which means someone will always re-start the arms race.
I dont doubt they can get a 10-year lifecycle on PS3. Just look at it, the PS3 has been in the market for almost 6 years, and the PS4 probably wont come out till 2014. That would lead the PS3 with 2 years of support before reaching the 10-year goal, which is quite achievable.

When they said the PS3 would have a 10-years lifecycle, they didnt mean they wouldnt release another console within 10 years, but that they will support the PS3 with new releases for 10 years. And based on PS1 and PS2 experience i really dont doubt theyll achieve that. I mean, cmon, even the PS2 got FIFA12 last year. In fact, only now Sony decided to close their SOCOM PS2 servers down, while Microsoft closed Live on the original Xbox 1 or 2 years ago. And the end of Live means the death of every MP game on the Xbox. There are still servers for some PS2 titles.

Sony doesnt imeditally drop support when they release a new console. Both the PS1 and the PS2 got quite a few releases even after new consoles were launched. Microsoft, on the other hand, dropped support on the original Xbox as soon as the Xbox 360 launched, making its lifecyle extremely short. Nintendo did the same thing, but at least they released one of their launch titles on both GC and Wii (Zelda Twilight Princess).
Post edited June 04, 2012 by Neobr10
wodmarach: In other news Watch Dogs is confirmed as being played on PC and isn't runnable on present gen consoles (suprisingly it looks like the wiiu was included in that statement...)

"UPDATE: Ubisoft has since amended its official materials, confirming the game for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC."
Elmofongo: So far my biggest dissapointment with E3 is Resident Evil 6...........I will counter any argument as best as I can that people say it's still a survival horror because it's just another non-different shooter and anything that makes the game better actually ruins it as a survival horror
(like moving and shooting)

Mine was Dead Space 3, you know why? Because on RE6 we all knew that the series had taken a different direction, focusing on action rather than survival-horror. It has been like this since RE4 and got even worse on RE5. Im not saying these are bad games, theyre good action games.

But on Dead Space 3 i was expecting some horror experience found on the first ones, but from the gameplay they have shown and the fact that its a coop game it seems they might have taken the same approach as RE6, focusing on action. I was affraid that would happen, and it did. Dont get me wrong, i like coop, but i seriously think coop DOESNT fit in an horror game. The sense of being alone is essential for a survival-horror. At least, for me. Dead Space 3 looked more like Gears of War than the first Dead Space games. It was a huge disappointment in my opinion.
Post edited June 05, 2012 by Neobr10
I play exclusively on 360 and PC, but I will say that the Last of Us looks incredible. The Uncharted games ranged from really good (U2) to almost unbearable (U3) in my opinion, but the last of us looks to be the first PS3 exclusive that I actually am jealous about. Since I got my gaming PC a few months ago, however, I've almost stopped playing 360 except with my friends. I think Far Cry 3 and Assassins creed 3 look awesome, and if I get both I'll probably go with the 360 versions, they just feel more comfortable to me that way.

As for the Wii U, I would be very tempted to get it if I didn't have a good computer and Day Z. Although I couldn't care less about when the next gen comes, or even all the new peripherals announced for existing consoles. I'm quite tired of console wars, and the companies that keep them going with exclusive games and Items. Well, that's my thoughts on today's events, anyway. The only other thing I care to get out of E3 is more info on Dishonored.