Sachys: GOGites are far too good!
Braussie: Yes they are :) That's what got me to this site. You received a copy of TQ, right?
Yeah - did not expect that at all!
So far every day on this site has provided surprises, fun, games (both in the literal, downloadable sense and otherwise), massive amounts of intrigue over varioys posts of games i missed out on years ago / still love and all sorts of other stuff.
Can't believe I had an account for a year before being "active" on the forums here!
Thing is, its really made the difference in otbherwise rather drab / dull / low days recently but on the other hand... it's a bit on the addictive side! Heheh!
Maybe we need a GOG rehab?! O_o
Edit: "Maybe
I need a GOG rehab"?!
Edit #2: need bigger keys on keyboard, better eyesight and... a butler!