I've experienced a very occasional crash-while-saving-and-corrupt-the-save-file bug (possibly a side-effect of the game stressing my elderly laptop), so yes, it can happen; just be sure to maintain a backup save slot.
Other bugs are possible:
http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/15183-new-players-how-did-you-deal-with-that-guard-the-first-time-spoiler-warning-tears-of-st-lucia/page__p__323033#entry323033 (which is a bug
I encountered in Alberic's Curse). The physics engine occasionally does very strange things: I've blackjacked sleeping people only to see their ragdolls fly around wildly.
Gameplay-wise, my impressions are mainly positive. I'm not wholly convinced by the way the blackjack is implemented: it's a reasonable design decision to make the hitbox head-only, but then players shouldn't have to be advised to aim for the
neck. (Also, the fact that helmets
always prevent knockouts from the front tends to limit some of the sudden, risky moves I could do in T1/T2; and AI noise sensitivity means that sudden-sprint-and-whack is seldom a viable tactic now, which I find limiting.) Swordplay feels rather weightless to me, and I think I'm having trouble judging distance when backstabbing; the sword just doesn't feel as though it extends into the world the way
Thief's longsword did. On the other hand, mantling is much nicer than in the older games.
The Bridgeport lore is about as striking as one could hope for under the circumstances, although the not-Hammerites are even more
than the Hammers were. I've yet to play anything approaching a T2 FM like Rowena's Curse or Ominous Bequest, but the potential is certainly there. I definitely want to finish playing through [url=http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/15179-the-thomas-porter-series/]http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/15179-the-thomas-porter-series/.