Finland (where I was born) is ok, I guess. Weather here in Nordic countries is what it is, summers could be much longer and the "grey time of the year" (autumn and spring basically) could be shorter. I like my winters cold and with lots of snow though, but maybe shorter than here. People in general drink too much booze here too, and related violence. But overall I like how pragmatic and down-to-earth most Finns seem to be.
Overall, maybe Canada would be my first pick. Maybe the weather isn't that much more tropical than here (at least it wasn't in Montreal last time I was there), but I don't care. In general it seems like a sane country with sane people, as far as I can tell. Ok, the Quebecians with their language quarrels, I guess it is a bit same as with the Swedish-speaking elite minority in Finland.
Maybe Switzerland also, but I get a feeling they are maybe (also) a bit xenophobic. And I don't like Swiss banks making so much money harboring international criminals' assets.
Australia and Germany would be pretty good picks otherwise, but I don't get their anti-gaming policies. Don't they both have some pretty silly gaming censorship practises or something, at least what I read here? I want my Carmageddon with human pedestrians, dammit!
And Germany should finally get over their shame and fear of nazism. Ok we get it, you have bad karma due to Hitler, but it isn't like you are the only country with a dark past. Russians had Stalin which was easily just as bad (yet Russian doesn't have similar laws not to refer to the past, maybe because they were on the winning side, winners write the history etc.), Chinese atrocieties etc. Pretty much all big powerful countries have done at least some atrocities in the past.
Not sure about Norway, but I'd rather not live in Sweden. I just feel it has gone overboard with the feminism thing, as if men should be ashamed they were born as boys. Did they already take the urinals away from boy's toilets in schools, because being able to pee standing is just a testament to the patriarchal society which oppresses women?´
In some other ways too, Sweden seems to be quite heavily on the mind-controlling business of the "public opinion", which I dislike. In other ways though, I presume Sweden is a better place to live than e.g. Finland.
So as Kummeli said, the correct answer is: Känädä!