Posted June 02, 2012
This is a very international community, so it's the perfect place to ask my question and hopefully get a variety of answers.
First of all, let me explain myself. I am German. I'm a citizen, was born and raised and lived there for more than 30 years. There is also some Polish blood running through my veins, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I like Germany. It's not perfect, but it's a good place to live. It's a democratic state with working social and health care systems, people are living in peace and (mostly) freedom. I am glad to be born in Germany, because there are much, much worse countries to be born in on this planet.
As I mentioned, Germany is not perfect, not at all. There are a lot of issues that bother me. Mainly it's that uptight attitude in huge parts of the society. Many people are very small minded. Most of you may know about these issues with youth protection laws, which leads to problems for media containing violence, like games and films.
So due to that and many other minor and major reasons, I decided to leave Germany. Meanwhile I am living in Austria for some time now. It's not too big a change, because the two countries are very similar. After all they are neighbours, share the same language and are culturally related. But there are these little differences in the peoples mentality. Austrian people are more relaxed and tolerant, not so stubborn and withdrawn. This makes me very comfortable here.
Now my question to y'all is: If you were born again and had to decide in what country, except the one you are actually born in, which one(s) would that be?
To me, it would be a choice between Austria, Canada, Netherlands or one of the Scandinavians. All of these countries have AFAIK a quite liberal state of mind, which is most important to me. They all have beautiful nature and landscapes, as well as a rich history and culture (not so shure if Canada matches this last point too).
So what about you?
Oh, and you can correct me if I was wrong in some aspects about the countries I dream of. ;)
First of all, let me explain myself. I am German. I'm a citizen, was born and raised and lived there for more than 30 years. There is also some Polish blood running through my veins, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I like Germany. It's not perfect, but it's a good place to live. It's a democratic state with working social and health care systems, people are living in peace and (mostly) freedom. I am glad to be born in Germany, because there are much, much worse countries to be born in on this planet.
As I mentioned, Germany is not perfect, not at all. There are a lot of issues that bother me. Mainly it's that uptight attitude in huge parts of the society. Many people are very small minded. Most of you may know about these issues with youth protection laws, which leads to problems for media containing violence, like games and films.
So due to that and many other minor and major reasons, I decided to leave Germany. Meanwhile I am living in Austria for some time now. It's not too big a change, because the two countries are very similar. After all they are neighbours, share the same language and are culturally related. But there are these little differences in the peoples mentality. Austrian people are more relaxed and tolerant, not so stubborn and withdrawn. This makes me very comfortable here.
Now my question to y'all is: If you were born again and had to decide in what country, except the one you are actually born in, which one(s) would that be?
To me, it would be a choice between Austria, Canada, Netherlands or one of the Scandinavians. All of these countries have AFAIK a quite liberal state of mind, which is most important to me. They all have beautiful nature and landscapes, as well as a rich history and culture (not so shure if Canada matches this last point too).
So what about you?
Oh, and you can correct me if I was wrong in some aspects about the countries I dream of. ;)