Posted January 25, 2010

ATTN: Sarcastic
Registered: Apr 2009
From Brazil

Yay old game preservation
Registered: Sep 2008
From Hungary

ATTN: Sarcastic
Registered: Apr 2009
From Brazil

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Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted January 25, 2010

Hype usually kills movies for me and I'm not going to let my own impossible expectations do the same to my game buying habits.
Yeah, i believe You did propose something like that, i think good ideas should be spread.;)
I somehow doubt in that M$ publishing deal. I'm quite sure it's not SS2, even had a nice discussion about that with Navagon.
There were 3 big announcements for 2010, right? Then surely one of them will be a BIG publisher deal. But is a publisher deal [even EA] the biggest thing that happened to GOG since it's creation?
Sure, hypes are bad, especially if they steer people wrong [most PRing sucks]. I remember, not long ago, the hype with Crysis, the awesome tech-demos, and then the final game, which was completely different, apart from the setting. But GOG clearly knows where their countdown, so i guess, when they say it's big... It is big, and it's not an empty PR scheme. I don't think this countdown will affect my judgement and influence a shopping spree, i'm more or less hype-proof, sure, i'm interested, and i try to give my best guess, but i consider it more like fun, a low level detective game.;)
Too bad i was the only person to propose physical product distribution, and GOG producing games, now i can be sure, that's not the case. Oh well, maybe someday.;>

dad and geek
Registered: Oct 2008
From Canada
Posted January 25, 2010
We are half way !

Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted January 25, 2010

Come on - that's like suggesting e-books printed on demand...
Also - it's past 5pm already... Where the hell are our Facebook/Twitter/thread hints ?

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Canada

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted January 25, 2010
hmmm...i would say master of orion 2 cause moo1 is abondenware and there is hardly a space 4x game which surpassed it.
Or maybe Starcraft....but the generic star background could be just be there to make things mysterious.
And those are only single games so it doesnt fit that good either.
Or maybe Starcraft....but the generic star background could be just be there to make things mysterious.
And those are only single games so it doesnt fit that good either.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 25, 2010
GOG affiliates will soon know who it is. I'll be sure to not let you guys know who it is. :D

A grue not here
Registered: Nov 2009
From United Kingdom

Registered: Oct 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 25, 2010
Me want System Shock 2!!

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Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Canada
Posted January 25, 2010
--- MrDOS
Edit: They said “Twitter, Facebook and GOG forums”. I've got their Facebook page autorefreshing.
Start guessing, we're giving you the first hint: The return of incredible karmic awareness.
--- MrDOS
Edit: They said “Twitter, Facebook and GOG forums”. I've got their Facebook page autorefreshing.
Post edited January 25, 2010 by MrDOS

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Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted January 25, 2010

Thanks for the effort, but i was thinking about something more complex, as in a number specifying how many times each guess was made, like EA [10 milion] and above that, the recent guesses that Mikee mentioned being 'hot'. ;) Nevertheless thanks!:)
Karmic awareness? Ultima all the way. ;P
Post edited January 25, 2010 by Arteveld

Registered: Feb 2009
From United States
Posted January 25, 2010

Karmic awareness? Ultima all the way. ;P
I thought I could rule out Ultima because of EA owning them, but after seeing that hint I have to say that sounds alot like Ultima.