Posted January 26, 2010

Nowadays, in glorious time of online shopping, I just buy from GAME when I really want something. Localised version are big NO for me ;)
Yeah, sometimes there's a way, and sometimes You're left with no option, but to get the original language files somehow.. And since i'm a big fan of the physical product, i kinda dislike the direct download trend.
Sure, i guess i could order games on ebay's and's but some of the prices are absurd..;) Oh well, i survived for 20 years being picky, i guess i can do another 20. ;P
Just tell me what's the name of that thief collection, And who released it, and i'll quit OT'ing. ;)
Now, if only the rest of the CDP would be like GOG and hear the outcry of those, who are not morons, and know english. I mean geez, i was 11 and i finished Space Quest 3 with just a dictionary, and i'm not especially gifted. In fact, i'm quite a dumb fella.;P

what if this whole idea of expect the unexpected is GOG becoming a medium for independant PC games sales.
and this Karma thing - good Karma for gog staff for making it possible
just another 2 cents in the bucket
{still praying its Blade Runner or deal with it's owner |
The idea is to expect the UNEXCELLED, just read the first 15 pages or so, the answer is somewhere there. ;)
Post edited January 26, 2010 by Arteveld