Posted January 26, 2010

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garbage features like achievements.
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Posted January 26, 2010

Easily Persuaded
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Posted January 26, 2010

It's got the "karmic awareness" aspect, in a manner of speaking. Your actions affect future events, so well in fact that this is largely what people continue to praise about P:T.
History overlapping with present time? Well, the protagonist is an amnesiac who is attempting to recover his "history" through interactions in the present...
As for the two different characters clue; there's a few ways that points to Planescape: Torment, but the most obvious way I can think of pertains to the game's conclusion, which I'd rather not ruin for you since you'll be playing it come Thursday!
Once again, the thing they are teasing can't be just a single game; the big announcement has to be a new publisher coming to GOG. Each of the clues refers to something related to that publisher, either a game they have published or perhaps a developer they have worked with. You are thinking on too small a scale by focusing all the clues on a single game. Considering P:T was published by Interplay and Interplay is already on GOG, that can't be it.

Registered: Nov 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted January 26, 2010
"Deus ex machina" is a plot device used in fiction by which some problem or plot point is unexpectedly, and arguably unfairly from the point of view of the audience/reader, solved or brought to a state of closure. For instance, imagine a scene in which someone is about to be executed, and all hope of rescue - as far as the audience is concerned - is lost. Then, God's hand appears from the skies and picks the condemned man out of the crowd and kills the baddies. Deus is Latin for God, and the countdown caption is obviously a play on "expect the unexpected", so "expect the unexcelled (God)" says to me "deus ex machina", which says to me "Deus Ex".
Seems to fit!
Seems to fit!

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

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From United States
Posted January 26, 2010

Agreed, but there are single publishers that would be larger than all the current publishers combined, which is why we keep coming back to EA and Activision.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 26, 2010
First off, that link is to the UK store, which doesn't help me much. Second, as echoed elsewhere, it looks like a rush job; it's easy to add "Vista Compatible" to an Amazon listing without it actually being true. Have you purchase this copy? Do you have experience with it?
Yeah, the existence of a possibly shady copy of the game on sale at Amazon isn't really the evidence against Planescape I'm looking for...

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Denmark
Posted January 26, 2010
I know a few people have mentioned Sam and Max already - both the 'Hit the Road' classic and Telltale's so-so efforts neither of which really fit the bill. Since this is wild speculation, I just wanna throw '[url=]Sam and Max: Freelance Police[/url]' into the mix. The clues all still work (karmic awareness, different characters, yada yada) and it would be the biggest big thing ever AND 'unexcelled' (seeing as how it was never published, right ;-) )...

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted January 26, 2010

I'm still inclined to think that some Publishers would take exception to such fanfare and promotion of one publisher when their entry was just another day on GOG. They're saying this is the best thing ever for GOG. Which would be true enough of EA, but yeah, I don't know. There seems to me to be something other than that in the works.

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Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted January 26, 2010

Because thanks to the idiocy of both companies in the late 90's/early 00's EA and Activision hold the lions share of the IP's people on GOG are interested in.
Quite frankly either publisher would have GOG busy with releases for most of the year.
Post edited January 26, 2010 by Delixe

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Vote colour.
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From Poland

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Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 26, 2010

It's got the "karmic awareness" aspect, in a manner of speaking. Your actions affect future events, so well in fact that this is largely what people continue to praise about P:T.
History overlapping with present time? Well, the protagonist is an amnesiac who is attempting to recover his "history" through interactions in the present...
As for the two different characters clue; there's a few ways that points to Planescape: Torment, but the most obvious way I can think of pertains to the game's conclusion, which I'd rather not ruin for you since you'll be playing it come Thursday!

I agree, this kind of fanfare for a single game seems a bit over the top. That said, based on the wishlists compiled on GOG, Planescape is ranked number two and given the existing relationship with Interplay titles, seems ripe for the publishing.
Mind you, I don't actually think a single game deserves this sort of countdown fanfare, but how many of the top wishlisted games has GOG managed to publish so far? This would be quite an achievement for them, a symbolic release that lets us know they're listening and pursuing the very things we desire.
That said, I admit it's all a stretch... but that's what's fun about the guessing game, right? :)