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Fenixp: I'm looking forward to my friend coming over and playing it with him, because this thing is an absolute marvel in splitscreen MP
I didn't even know it had that feature. Do you need two keyboards/mice for that or how does it work?
mistermumbles: I didn't even know it had that feature. Do you need two keyboards/mice for that or how does it work?
It can support up to 4 players in split-screen, actually. And it can be played on one keyboard + mouse, but it's really awkward. Config with mouse + keyboard and a controller is a lot more comfortable.
mistermumbles: I didn't even know it had that feature. Do you need two keyboards/mice for that or how does it work?
Fenixp: It can support up to 4 players in split-screen, actually. And it can be played on one keyboard + mouse, but it's really awkward. Config with mouse + keyboard and a controller is a lot more comfortable.
Hmm, so does everything happen simultaneously?
Post edited October 04, 2012 by mistermumbles
mistermumbles: Hmm, so does everything happen simultaneously?
Yep, it's the same thing as with an AI, just ... with a player. It's a proper carnage: most units can be put to AI overwatch, so bullets are flying around, awkward situations when you both order a unit to roughtly same location and they bump into each other and explode and crash and kill a few units arise, rocket propelled chainsaws are flying everywhere, crabs are crawling to safety, kamikadze zombies with grenades follow around your most expensive dude. Fun!
mistermumbles: Hmm, so does everything happen simultaneously?
Fenixp: Yep, it's the same thing as with an AI, just ... with a player. It's a proper carnage: most units can be put to AI overwatch, so bullets are flying around, awkward situations when you both order a unit to roughtly same location and they bump into each other and explode and crash and kill a few units arise, rocket propelled chainsaws are flying everywhere, crabs are crawling to safety, kamikadze zombies with grenades follow around your most expensive dude. Fun!
Ah. That does sound awfully chaotic. Could be enjoyable. Maybe I should give the game another try. I never looked that much into it since I got it with both HIB2 and 3.
Look, as far as that guy is concerned, he has no right to a refund. Those things that he's saying were originally promised, they're not promised anywhere on the page that's actually selling the game. Nowhere.

If he didn't read, it's not Steam's or Data's job to refund him.

I agree wholeheartedly that after 11+ years in development, there should have at least been a more comprehensive campaign, and online multiplayer (so we could have more than 4 people at once and REALLY have showdowns), and a few of the other complaints are valid, too, but I would never believe that I had a right to a refund based on promises from over 10 years ago that aren't valid any longer.
ne_zavarj: Development : 11+ years ??? 0.0
Cortex Command Forever!

I forgot I even had this game. Guess I can go back and get the key to give out as a gag gift to someone.
Fenixp: well a lot of complaints seem to be from people that just can't play.
I noticed that too. I mean yes, the controls are about as intuitive as trying to control a pair of chopsticks with your feet, but they are not impossible. They may not be conventional like your typical platformer, but you can certainly manoeuvre your troops around easily once you understand how they work. Other complaints seem to be about random deaths, not knowing that every pixel group is assigned a weight etc, but they're all part of the game. It's disappointing to see how quickly people dismiss these things off-hand. I've showed my cousins and nephews this game, and all of them have enjoyed it tremendously.

Is it really so difficult to try and break the game and discover how the mechanics work?

Also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a win condition for the campaign? Or did I play a completely different game?
Post edited October 04, 2012 by lowyhong
R.4NZ0-BNWT.7-HY0.K3 :)
mistermumbles: Could be enjoyable.
Could be? I think you missed the bit about rocket propelled chainsaws. They actually act like you'd expect a rocket propelled chainsaw to act. That is, cut off that dude's head, start spinning uncotrollably, kill the one who launched it in the first place and then hit a landing dropship, just to burry itself in the ground in the end. Fucking rocket propelled chainsaw!
lowyhong: Also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a win condition for the campaign? Or did I play a completely different game?
There is, I've actually finished it a couple of times.

edit: Also, the controls start being a lot more intuitive when playing on a controller. I'm not saying it's not optimised well for keyboard and mouse, it is, it's just the controls are a bit unorthodox for that. Kinda weird for a PC exclusive.
Post edited October 04, 2012 by Fenixp
Dood you have to play with a friend on the Controller Chip map. Shit is epic. My bro and I were playing. So I was in the zombie team, yeah? My bro managed to steal the controller chip, and he had killed most of my zombies and Ronin guys. He had already ordered a drop ship down, and was about to take off. I got desperate. I only had ONE zombie left. What could I do?

I called down a rocket and just as his drop ship sucked his robot brain up, I slammed my rocket into his drop ship and blew it up, killing his brain immediately.


See that right there is the beauty of the game. It's got a very dynamic, emergent style of gameplay. I'd hesitate to call it a sandbox game, but you can complete your objective in any way you want. It's all about thinking out of the box.

I don't disagree that the game needs a lot of fixing - and this is coming from someone who had pre-ordered the game nearly half a decade ago. It's still awfully optimized and certain aspects of the controls still have room for improvement. But really, there's no other game like this. Not even the 2D Clonk series.
Post edited October 04, 2012 by lowyhong
Oh yeah, control chip hunt is insane ammount of fun. I wish there were more maps for it, but I guess I could find some if I searched the mods. I love how grenades can actually be detonated if they're hit while you're holding them, it can be nicely used both ways. And ... well it'S about zombies! That throw grenades! What more could one possibly want :D

edit: Uuuu, and loading up a dropship with explosives! It actually *has* everything you load with it inside, so when it gets shot down ... hehehehe
Post edited October 04, 2012 by Fenixp
good concept but needs some polish and bug fixes
I really wanted to try this game out, but due to a Humble Bundle mishap, I no longer have it in my account. And being stupid, I seem to have deleted the email that had the order code, so they can't put it back. Bleh.
jefequeso: I really wanted to try this game out, but due to a Humble Bundle mishap, I no longer have it in my account. And being stupid, I seem to have deleted the email that had the order code, so they can't put it back. Bleh.
I can't bring your bundles back, but I can give you a steam key for Cortex Command.

By the way, this game came with both HiB 2 & 3, so if you have either one of those, you'll have it (just pointing this out in case it was just HiB 2 that you lost)
Post edited October 04, 2012 by AFnord