Posted April 29, 2014

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

gone (but still playing his games)
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
Coffee: Normally just a hot cup of coffee (fine-ground breakfast blend done in a drip filter) with soy milk. Other times I'll use hot cocoa mix instead of soy milk. When I go to the coffee shop I'll just get a coffee with cream, don't like to bother with the fancy stuff. (Well I do like to get an iced capp sometimes)
Soda: Normally I'll have any soda, really. What I prefer is stuff made with real sugar instead of corn syrup. My favorite kinds are root beer, ginger ale, and lemon/lime.
Soda: Normally I'll have any soda, really. What I prefer is stuff made with real sugar instead of corn syrup. My favorite kinds are root beer, ginger ale, and lemon/lime.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
Ah, you have my sympathy. I almost need one for when eating sweets, as the rich flavors in things like cake and cookies will sometimes bother me unless I dilute them with some milk.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
I agree completely with that, I can't eat cake or pie or even a granola bar without having a glass of milk with it. I think the bloating might just come from combining it with certain foods, or drinking it too close to soda.

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted April 29, 2014
Coffee: about anything, black
Soda: rarely, no preferences, because i do not care - if i have the option i'll take tap water over soda.
Soda: rarely, no preferences, because i do not care - if i have the option i'll take tap water over soda.

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
Coffee: Just one Iced coffee in the morning, brand not important but sugar no HFCS
Soda: I'm a recovering Coca-Cola addict. I drink it on occasion when I travel, but I don't have any in my house.
Tea: I'm a southerner, so Iced Tea with sugar is my drink of choice
I can't stand the store bought tea. Whatever they add to make it bitter I really hate. I also don't care for lemon in my Iced tea.
Soda: I'm a recovering Coca-Cola addict. I drink it on occasion when I travel, but I don't have any in my house.
Tea: I'm a southerner, so Iced Tea with sugar is my drink of choice
I can't stand the store bought tea. Whatever they add to make it bitter I really hate. I also don't care for lemon in my Iced tea.
Post edited April 29, 2014 by jjsimp

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014
I like the throwbacks too, Mountain Dew Throwback, the problem is I like fountain drinks and I don't think I've ever seen one that has the throwback syrup. I think it's only available in cans.
Post edited April 30, 2014 by djdarko

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014
Coffee: Daily routine, involving two-fisting my coffee goodies... Medium to dark roast, cold brewed, black + cold brewed iced coffee with soy milk. And for an occasional treat / special occasion, some cold brewed hot coffee with soy milk and a bit of sugar.
Soda: when I do have soda, it's usually just a generic version of Coca-Cola.
That said, I'll honestly drink coffee just about any way it's served, though I don't have a taste for decaf coffee or any coffee drinks with alcohol in them. And I also don't always cold brew, as it just takes too long, and I'm lazy.
Soda: when I do have soda, it's usually just a generic version of Coca-Cola.
That said, I'll honestly drink coffee just about any way it's served, though I don't have a taste for decaf coffee or any coffee drinks with alcohol in them. And I also don't always cold brew, as it just takes too long, and I'm lazy.

Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014
Coffee doesn't matter what blend: Black; no cream, sugar or milk.

Pirate Mullah
Registered: Dec 2010
From Pakistan
Posted April 30, 2014
I'm really not much of a coffee person, although I do like the smell. On the rare social occasion everyone is having one, I'll order myself a turkish coffee.
Probably have carbonated beverages more often, but still not that often. Usually it is the classic Coca Cola.
Probably have carbonated beverages more often, but still not that often. Usually it is the classic Coca Cola.

Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted April 30, 2014
Coffee Black and usually one of the cheaper brands to save money. One odd thing is that I can't drink it hot so I wait for it to cool off a bit and drink it but I don't like it cold either so there is a narrow window where I can actually drink it and enjoy it.
Soda I like a Danish brand called Jolly light but if non-Danish then I like Diet Coke/Coca Cola Light or Pepsi Max. Something without sugar to save calories.
Soda I like a Danish brand called Jolly light but if non-Danish then I like Diet Coke/Coca Cola Light or Pepsi Max. Something without sugar to save calories.
Post edited April 30, 2014 by jepsen1977

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain

Carpe Diem
Registered: Mar 2012
From United States
Posted April 30, 2014
Tea has been mentioned. I like green tea with nothing added. Not the kind in the little dunk bags. I use the leaves. I've never found it in a super-market, so I need to order it or get it at a specialty store.