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New year's eve party, 2006 or 7, I think. Really cheap vodka + assorted snacks of suspect source and freshness. I occupied the bathroom for like an hour, vomiting in batches. I was young and foolish. Good times, good times.
In, of course.
Summer camp, was an organizer and we went to the pub the first evening, before the high school kids arrived, which we were supposed to oversee. It was many years ago (about 7-8). A night of drinking and partying. In the morning I woke up in the room, w/o knowing how I got there, head hurting like crap and puke all around :). Fun times!
Also ppl have told me that I've puked under the table in the pub... I don't remember that either :D... This was the most embarrassing... Normally after drinking heavily, I just throw up in the bathroom :P
Post edited August 13, 2013 by blotunga
It was about 2 weeks before my 18th birthday.
All my mates were going on about their exploits whilst drunk.
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
So I went out with the intention of getting really drunk.
What can I say, I don't do things by halves....
Unfortunately, I had to be at work at 5am, preparing a fry up for 70 people :(
I chucked during the night.
I chucked outside the kitchen. in between chopping & frying.
I chucked while they ate.
I chucked when I was supposed to be washing up.
I finally finished somewhere around 3pm (about 12 hours after I started)...
Oh, ok...

It was a few years ago, the last time I smoked some leafy green plant.

In college, I was used to stuff that wasn't very strong. This, however, was so strong it kicked my butt all night.

For the first few minutes I was like, "I don't feel anything."

And then a minute later I felt like I was swinging back and forth as if I were a giant church bell.

All the blood drained from my face. And then I puked. And then it came out the other end. And then I puked again. And then it came out the other end again. This went on and on for hours; I had to spend the night in the bathroom, until the wee hours of morning and things finally subsided. That was definitely NOT FUN!

Incidentally, the person I was with had no problems with it whatsoever.
I'm in. Not my worst puke, but most memorable was when I was sick but travelling home from school. Puking on the side of the interstate is not a fun thing with trucks doing 70mph past you. It kinda goes everywhere.
i got the flu, and then i couldn't eat for a while.

when i did finally eat (it was some cereal i think, i'm assuming Captain Crunch due to the color), i vomited in a way that i could have sworn that it looked and sounded like Hyper Beam from Pokemon Stadium.
Worst puke was also my first. 2 years old, hot dogs in mac and cheese. Threw it up over the side of my crib railing. It was horrible. I remember the splattering sound, the burning in my nose as acid juices got into my nasal cavity, crying, yelling, throwing up, clutching the railing with a death grip. Ugh. I still can't eat hot dogs. No way, man. No way.
Biggest BUMP in this place will choose in 1 hour and 24 minutes.
I'm in. I don't remember my worst puke, but here it is as I've been told the day after it happened and many more times afterwards. We were at a party, and I mixed 4 different drinks, so when the party ended I literally couldn't stand on my feet. 3 of my friends started carrying me home, but since I was kinda heavy they quit after 1/10th of the road and called a taxi. When the taxi came, the put me directly behind the driver, and he asked them several times if they were sure I wasn't going to puke. After they assured the driver that I wasn't going to puke, he started toward my house, but lo and behold not even 5 seconds in I started puking directly at the drivers head and then straight over the back seat where 2 of my friends sat with me... The rest of the story isn't important since it doesn't have anything to do with puking but I'm never going to forget this since all of my friends who were there keep reminding me often enough xD

Sorry for the big chunk of text. Thank you for this interesting giveaway and +1 :)
I'm in, thanks.
Worst puke - beer, vodka, champagne with lots of trash food on top. Ah, those were some good times :D
My worst puke was when I didn't sleep all day and had hot wings and beer for dinner. I was with a friend and my brother and had to pull over so I could hurl. Not in, but thanks for the giveaway!
I almost regret the topic I chose xD It has been... Disturbing. Though some were quite entertaining :D
Plus rep for all of you because I feel terrible for making you bring up bad memories.

There can only be one winner, and has decided that is is...
DieRuhe: [snip]
Congrats DieRuhe! Please PM me your Steam ID or e-mail so I can send it to you!
Not in, since I would automatically win oO edit: Oh, it was over anyway. Trying to explain Lütje Lage and searching for the video took quite some time ;)

The worst ever was in a beer tent on a fair (something like "Oktoberfest", just not in Bavaria). In the north of germany we have some strange, very local (in fact, you barely find it outside of this one city) drinking behaviour... We drink something called "Lütje Lage". It's a small glass of dark beer and a small glass of schnapps. You take them both simultaneously in one hand and drink them in one go. It's easier if you see what I mean:

However... You normally order "a meter", which is 11 Lütje Lage. And since you can't put 22 glasses loose on the table (would be too much work for the waiters), you just get the tray on your table. I think you can already imagine where this ends... We were all dancing on the benches and drinking way too much beer and Lütje Lage. I chugged down one more of those little suckers, bent down to put it back on the tray and while I stood up again, it happened... I puked all over the tray and the table. All the empty glasses were full again and about 10 people jumped down the benches and away from the table, while my puke splattered away in all directions. It felt like the whole tent was watching me. So effing embarrassing...

ps. "Interesting" giveaway
Post edited August 14, 2013 by real.geizterfahr
AdamR: I almost regret the topic I chose xD It has been... Disturbing. Though some were quite entertaining :D
Plus rep for all of you because I feel terrible for making you bring up bad memories.

There can only be one winner, and has decided that is is...
DieRuhe: [snip]
AdamR: Congrats DieRuhe! Please PM me your Steam ID or e-mail so I can send it to you!
Sent. Thank you! I'm glad something good eventually came of that horrible night. :-)