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Presented by Stoic Studio, with trailer included.

IndieGames article
Q&A on Geekscape

Something I'm keeping my eye on. Also, it's about Vikings.
Sounds promising. I dig the art style.
Aaron86: Presented by Stoic Studio, with trailer included.

IndieGames article
Q&A on Geekscape

Something I'm keeping my eye on. Also, it's about Vikings.
i thought it said banner by sega. i was expecting something along the lines of shining force 3 :(
Looks intriguing.
Something to keep an eye on - thanks for the heads up.
Shall keep an eye on it. Turn based is an underrated genre imo.
I think I saw a grid in the video. Looks good to me.
So it's basically a modern JRPG TBS, except Western.
Reminds me on Kings Bounty. I liked it.
Crosmando: So it's basically a modern JRPG TBS, except Western.
That's what I'm crossing my fingers for.
Bump for Kickstarter.

...Just when I'm unemployed. >_<
Was reading about this on RPS earlier. Looks great.
Dunno about the Kickstarter though.
i like the style too. reminds me of roto-scoped cartoons that i liked when i was a kid. like the lord of the rings cartoon.
I like the art style too to be frank. Ah.More ex Bioware developers (geee does it really guarantee its going to be good tho???)
I saw this on RPS a week or two back, it is beautiful and SRPG is another genre falling by the way side, I can't bring myself to buy the latest Might and Magic when it's Ubisoft and their horrible DRM.

Some really nice rewards there, even if the game sucks you could end up with some really nice art for your wall.