Leroux: I've got none of the games, are they any good? The best rated seems to be AI War, but that's also the one that looks the least appealing to my genre preferences. I think I've tried the Tidalis demo and thought it was neither bad nor particularly interesting, so what about A Valley Without Wind and Shattered Haven?
AVwW: very ambitious (the idea is probably closest to my "dream game"), doesn't quite live up to the promise, incredibly addictive up to a point. Also, very pretty. Worth a look.
Shattered Haven: never got into it; couldn't figure out how it works, then got stuck. I bought and tried it on release, so chances are Arcen has already fixed the problems I encountered; they're very good with fixes.
Note that the bundle includes mp3 OSTs for all Arcen games and as such is worth buying for the soundtracks alone.