Ok, I've processed all your entries, and come up with my spreadsheet. The games to play for will be as follows:
Jade Empire
Rogue Legacy
Papers, Please
I have no mouth, and I must scream
Planescape: Torment
Rise of the triad
Zeus & Poseiden
Age of wonders: shadow magic
Heroes of Might & Magic 3
The entrants will be:
All of you, I counted 28. Typically not everyone makes it, so I expect that number will fall to around the sensible game number by the time we have drop outs etc.
Unless there are major objections,
we'll play next friday (20th September) starting at 7pm GMT (NOTE for UK people, we are currently in BST, so that's 8PM in the UK). Sorry to the person that said they couldn't make this date, but I'm afraid you can never please everyone.
If you haven't read the previous giveaways, or are unsure as to the basic rules, please read DProject's excellent summary from a previous game:
Please post to confirm you'll be there, then I'll assume you're going to show up.
A quick note on etiquette, both to me, and your fellow players:
I calculated that unless I get lucky with GOG's sale next week, I'll be spending $101 on these games. I don't do much by the way of giveaways nowadays, I save up for this instead, so please treat the game with a bit of respect. By this I mean, be as nasty as you like in terms of deceit and strategising. By all means form alliances with others to go for particular games, by all means double cross people on those alliances. Feel free to lie to others about a code, or to trick someone into trading for a game that has already been redeemed. However don't try to take advantage by perhaps hording a key so that you can sell the game, or any other behaviour that isn't part of the core purpose, which is trying to redeem as many of the games for yourselves on that evening.
As for your fellow players. It is your duty to be as deceitful and wicked in the name of gaining codes, however it is unnecessary, and undesired for any verbal abuse (well, written actually) either during or after the game. It is only a game, and please do not take any grudges away with you when it's done.
That will do for now. I'll post a bit more later on perhaps, I like to tinker with the processes each game, this will be no exception. Hope we all have fun on Friday.
EDIT: Important - don't trade other games for codes. DProject did it before to see the end through, and I let him off, however this is not what I want. It must be ONLY the codes that are traded. If you want to go outside that, seek my permission.