CaptainGyro: Screw that "all you need is love" garbage. Manipulation is the best
Unfortunately, true. "all you need is love" is nothing but a pile of garbage, no offense to the people who believe this. Manipulation is not best though unless you are only interested in sex. People dislike people who manipulate and once you manipulate someone, he or she will see what you are and cut you off or worse.
Nroug7: Well according to the first law, that's what the finance minister for Louis XIV thought, before he was jailed for the rest of his life after holding a party grander then the kings parties in order to impress the king.
stoicsentry: Ummmmm... no offense, but do I really need to cite an historical example of someone getting smacked down for being manipulative/power-hungry/etc.?
Anyway, enjoy the book and be sure to tell us some more when you're done!
stoicsentry has a good point. Sure, stupid and weak people will bend over to your subtle manipulative and power hungry ways of dealing with them for some time but everyone else will recognize that you read too many books like The 48 Laws Of Power and either avoid you like the plague or find a way to make you harmless because they will see you as a threat. People aren't exactly pawns. They do have brains.