Posted April 06, 2011

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted April 06, 2011
Well, it could have been worse. They could have put World of Warcraft at #1, like the last two lists like this that I read.
There is one thing in particular that I have to take issue with, and it's something I hear from a lot of people:
There is one thing in particular that I have to take issue with, and it's something I hear from a lot of people:
One of the true great 16-bit JRPGs, Earthbound puts the J in JRPG. On its surface it’s the tale of four chosen kids sent to save the earth from an alien invasion and a being of pure evil known as Giygas. Beneath that lies a surreal, bizarre sense of humor that’s the backbone of the entire game.
Earthbound is, in my opinion, one of the best games ever made, but the humor is not the backbone of the entire game. It's just a veneer. The true backbone of the game is much more subtle, thoughtful, and emotional than that. The warmth and wisdom at the core of the story is really what makes Earthbound such a unique and important game.
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted April 06, 2011
While I always enjoy these lists you have to remeber they are highly subjective. I would disagree with 60% of the games in that list although it did make me happy to see Sega Rally and Shenmue. There are glaring ommisions from the Saturn and Dreamcast though. No Panzer Dragoon Saga? Madness.

Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted April 06, 2011
I agree with almost everything in that list, but Chrono Trigger should not be close to the top 5, and Tetris should be #1.
Also, Kudos for keeping Final Fantasy VII off the list. I hate that game. I loathe it on a molecular level.
Also, Kudos for keeping Final Fantasy VII off the list. I hate that game. I loathe it on a molecular level.
Post edited April 06, 2011 by TheCheese33

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted April 06, 2011
"By best, we really mean best. These are not the most important, most groundbreaking or most definitive games of all time, though a majority would certainly overlap with those descriptions as well. In selecting what to include, and what rank to assign, we focused only on the word “best.”"
heh - good luck on defining something so subjective as "best" and create a definitive list...
Edit: I mostly do not agree with the ranking of the list, however they redeemed themselves with this line: "The world needs more games like Ico." ... shame it is only on 31 though...
heh - good luck on defining something so subjective as "best" and create a definitive list...
Edit: I mostly do not agree with the ranking of the list, however they redeemed themselves with this line: "The world needs more games like Ico." ... shame it is only on 31 though...
Post edited April 06, 2011 by amok

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted April 06, 2011
Yay! Another terrible list thrown together by the gaming press. These things are always so reliable when there are so many quantifiable factors in gaming. :P

Man in Pyjamas.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted April 06, 2011
The further I read, the more worried I got. Too many current gen titles. Far too many!

Registered: Dec 2010
From Western Sahara
Posted April 06, 2011
And then you go and take a look at their other "top", the one with the best games on each platform, and start noticing inconsistencies.
And don't like the way they present some games, like they apologise for including some of these games. Crap top.
And don't like the way they present some games, like they apologise for including some of these games. Crap top.

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted April 06, 2011
Eh, it's not really worth taking these lists seriously. Sometimes the writers do make valid observations about the games, but the lists as a whole are really only worth looking at to get a laugh at the stupid shit they came up with.
Example: Metal Gear Solid is not only implicitly better than Deus Ex, but also explicitly named - twice - as the best game on the Playstation.
Of course, it's only my opinion that that this is terribly amusing, rather than a authoritative validation of all that I hold sacred.
Example: Metal Gear Solid is not only implicitly better than Deus Ex, but also explicitly named - twice - as the best game on the Playstation.
Of course, it's only my opinion that that this is terribly amusing, rather than a authoritative validation of all that I hold sacred.
Post edited April 06, 2011 by Mentalepsy

I like cake.
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada
Posted April 06, 2011
Not a great list in my opinion. A better list would be PC Gamer's top 100 (PC games only, obviously). Still, these lists are ALWAYS going to be subject to debate. I still read them however, because there are many good games I've never played before, so it's a good way of getting ideas for what new games to play.

Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted April 06, 2011
These kinds of lists always make me go ehhhh. Even PCGamer did a list of best PC games and I hated it with a passion. :P Way too many newer games and the older ones that I happen to adore (like PST, SS2 and BG) were way too low on the list. I think HL2 was number 1 which irritated me since while it is a good game, it certainly is nowhere near as good as the three I previously mentioned (which I can't remember if they were even in the top 10). Subjective lists just fill me with disappointment.
EDIT: Okay, the list I was thinking of is different than the one GoJays posted. I can't remember if the one I am thinking of was one they posted in their magazine or if another company posted top X PC games and I hated it none the less (I'll just blame IGN since their lists usually make me rage anyway)...
EDIT: Okay, the list I was thinking of is different than the one GoJays posted. I can't remember if the one I am thinking of was one they posted in their magazine or if another company posted top X PC games and I hated it none the less (I'll just blame IGN since their lists usually make me rage anyway)...
Post edited April 06, 2011 by CalamityRanger

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted April 06, 2011

But Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was the best game of all time...OF ALL TIME!
Seriously though, this is just another worthless, horrible list made purely for website hits but hey, at least I'm thankful that they didn't put OOT in the number one spot, which is easily the most overrated game to ever exist
Post edited April 06, 2011 by Roman5

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted April 06, 2011
Incidentally, I would have an awfully hard time even putting my own personal favorites into an ordered list. At best, I might be able to order games that belong to a narrow subgenre. I certainly couldn't give you a list of the 100 or even the 10 best games of all time with any sort of confidence.