Andy_Panthro: I'm certainly interested!
How does it compare to the earlier Breath of Fire games?
Catshade: That's my only experience with BoF series, sadly, so I can't tell you much.
Play the first!!
People generally seem to like the second better but I can't imagine it -- first game is one of my favourite games ever, period.
darthcobley: i read from reviews on amazon that the resident evil and devil may cry games are unplayable with out a game pad on pc?
Depends on your preference.
stonebro: Them both being shitty and slapped-together console ports, yes I'd expect they are. I even heard they didn't bother including keyboard support at all.
Capcom has had a poor reputation for their PC titles in the past, but in recent years have really stepped things up -- I can speak for Devil May Cry 4 as being a quality product (3 was not, and they admitted to outsourcing it and other titles like RE4 for the worse).