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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
Adding my voice to this, saying "thank you too GOG".

Hopefully we get to see more classics in the near future, games like Quest for Glory and Strike Commander
I frequently use Steam for newer games, but GoG always has the best deals on what it has. I always mention it to anyone looking to buy anything on Steam that GoG stocks.
Is this the official report small glitches in the site layout thread?

I hope so, because I want to casually inform whoever feels responsible that the fixed width of the game cataloque search window (right upper corner of site layout) is too small so that many game titles get abbreviated with no way of finding out the true title for selection (no tool tip additionally). I suggest to either set the width to a larger value or even better adjust it dynamically.

An example is attached.

In case this is not the thread, let me say thanks to GOG for all the good service. :)
Thank you very much ! The side is awesome. More Games with german support would be helpful :) I think i had downloaded nearly every game here if it would have had german language support :)
but nevertheless : A lot of greetings form germany

Is there a chance to get some of these games in future ?:

Homeworld 1 + 2
Knights of honor
Medieval (the whole series)

Chendal: Thank you very much ! The side is awesome. More Games with german support would be helpful :) I think i had downloaded nearly every game here if it would have had german language support :)
but nevertheless : A lot of greetings form germany

Is there a chance to get some of these games in future ?:

Homeworld 1 + 2
Knights of honor
Medieval (the whole series)

As much as I love GoG, and I've been surprised by a few of the games they've managed to add to their catalogue (Baldur's Gate, for example), I doubt it that Mechwarrior and MechCommander will see it through here. Micro$oft, if I'm not mistaken, still have the rights for them. And we all know how M$ is...

As for Homeworld... It would be awesome if they could get their hands on this series.
*fingers crossed*

Knights of Honor you can get it from Steam.

Medieval would be a neat addition as well.
FAButzke: As much as I love GoG, and I've been surprised by a few of the games they've managed to add to their catalogue (Baldur's Gate, for example), I doubt it that Mechwarrior and MechCommander will see it through here. Micro$oft, if I'm not mistaken, still have the rights for them. And we all know how M$ is...
Microsoft does not own the rights to Mechwarrior, Smith & Tinker (formerly FASA studios) bought the rights to it a couple years ago. They are in fact making a f2p Mechwarrior game in conjunction with Piranha Games.

Also, GOG, can we get the Megaman X games on here please? They had PC releases a long time ago, but they are not available anywhere anymore.
Thanks for this great site. I now can replay so many of those games from back then. And of course so many games I only read about in magazines but couldn't afford or couldn't play because my PC wasn't good enough.

One game you should really consider trying to add to your catalogue is Dime City.
There exists an uncensored version of the game which was even hard to get when it was new.
If you could get this version for your catalogue, it would be awesome. :)
Amazing site thanks for bringing back so many games i thought were lost to time.
i'm happy GOG grows as good online distribution services are still rare
Just purchased my first GOG Icewind Dale. A classic RPG from the golden years of well RPGS :)

Thankyou GOG, you guys = awesome.
Thank you ever so much for Windows 7 compatible BG!!!!

I am actually running Windows on Mac for games that are only PC compaitble, and was dismayed to find out that my Mac upgrade also meant that bootcamp no longer supported XP - first time I have seen a black screen deadlock with Mac BTW.

I have tried lauching from safe mode - I could istall but not get beyond first chapter without fatal crash... I tried virtual box to make virtual XP within the windows 7 environment... and could install and play, but the size was tiny and no tweaking could help...

I was actually resigned having to buy PC hardware just to enjoy old games, but your excellent customer orientation and service saved the day. :))))

If only you could work your magic on KOTOR as well.
PS. I just posted this solution to windows official discussion forum where users and experts look for solutions to whatever probelms they may have with Windows OS.

I hope this will help some other fans of this great classic that are in a dead end like I was, plus generate the positive publicity that GoG deserves.
Post edited November 26, 2011 by TStael
Mega man! Dime city! Mech warrior a no, I like Mech warrior 3 and pirates moon.
But Mega man and Dime city wow. I'm not hating I just have distaste in your choice of games thats all. Its your opinion, not everyone likes my games either...

Any way, I think that some really good, old but extremely fun games to add would be Diablo and hellfire, as well as the Original Doom series, (doom 1, 2, and Expansions, Maybe doom 3)

Come on who hasn't played those, and who doesn't like them???
Hello everyone!
This is my first post here and I hope this is the right place to place it. I would like to thank all the people standing behind the GOG for what they've been doing. I love to buy games in boxes, to have them standing proudly on my shelf, but I really appreciate what you are doing here. DRM-free and without spyware is what we want and that's why I wish you best! Lately, because of some.. ekhm... specific digital distribution platforms, PC gaming turned to wrong direction in my opinion. But I hope that you guys can make things right once again for us, PC Gamers!
And if you could one day sell DRM-free games in retail boxes - I would be the happiest gamer in the world!
Good luck and thanks once again!
Post edited November 27, 2011 by inc09nito
I would love to see Dejavu or Spellcasting 101 text adventures!