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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
GOG really should be better known. The idea of course is great but the implementation, the site itself, is also very, very well designed. Slick, functional, fast. I haven’t found anything that I didn’t like yet.
So I found Pro Pinball: Timeshock! here half a year ago. With the CD scratched beyond recognition and no other clue how to make pirated (pleading guilty) versions work, this site was a lifesaver.

And now wanting to play The Longest Journey, I found it here and bought it. Also, The Witcher for five bucks = daylight robbery!
Cook: Dear GOG Users!

First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.

Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).

Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.

Once again, thank you everyone!

And have fun! team via Cook :)

EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
How about a new slogan for Gog..I've got one: "If you game, Go GOG it!" A bit cheesy, but it's a starting point!
I felt like sending a BIG thank you back to GOG and this seemed as good a place as any.

The first thing that made me sign up on wasn't the DRM stance as much as I really wanted to see someone pushing (good) old games up to the surface. I'm a firm believer that good games never get old and that all this great entertainment deserves to get a chance.
Everywhere there's talk of how games want to become movies. And with a large chunk of the industry leaning towards that they kind of forget how versatile and diverse the game medium can be. Games can be so much more and I think the gaming history proves that.

But answer me this: Do you see the movie buffs disregarding 10 or 15 year old (or even older) movies just because they're old and are not made in the same way and style as modern movies?

Many a modern gamer do!

So when GOG came along it was like an answer to my prayers. At that time the DRM policy was just like icing on the cake. Today, after the launch of The Witcher 2 I feel it's more important than ever. I really hope the W2 launch was an important event that will show up in the history books of gaming in the future.

Well, that's not my only praise.

There are 3 important things to a store like GOG's.
First are good products at competitive prices. I've already established what I think about that. GOG isn't always cheapest but the next 2 things make up for that.
Second is the way I get to use my purchased products. The DRM policy is crucial here. There are more old games appearing on other sites but GOG's no-DRM policy puts the company head and shoulders above the rest.
Third is... Well if the first 2 is why you come to a site then the 3rd is why you stay. I'm talking about customer care. I must say that my first encounter with GOG's support wasn't the best. Not enough to drive me away, but enough to become wary. And after being very badly treated by another digital downloads site (I'm looking at you D2D - we are sooo over) I didn't put much faith into customer relations in internet companies.

Well, when I bought The Witcher 2 I had some problems but the GOG support solved it within a few hours of mailing back and forth. I was really impressed that I didn't have to go through a "here's my evidence of what I'm entitled to"-routine that so often is the case with companies who don't understand the value of giving customer's the benefit of a doubt.

So let me end this long rant by giving you an advice for the future; Don't ever, ever outsource your support and customer relations to save a few bucks. No matter how good and effective the companies supplying the the customer service make it out to be, it's almost never good for the customer - and in the long run your relationship with your customers will deteriorate.

I've worked in customer relations so I think I know something about it, and although not perfect I like GOG's friendy tone when dealing with customer issues. It's rare, and why I stay and support this site.
Retroguiden: Third is... Well if the first 2 is why you come to a site then the 3rd is why you stay. I'm talking about customer care. I must say that my first encounter with GOG's support wasn't the best. Not enough to drive me away, but enough to become wary. And after being very badly treated by another digital downloads site (I'm looking at you D2D - we are sooo over) I didn't put much faith into customer relations in internet companies.

Well, when I bought The Witcher 2 I had some problems but the GOG support solved it within a few hours of mailing back and forth. I was really impressed that I didn't have to go through a "here's my evidence of what I'm entitled to"-routine that so often is the case with companies who don't understand the value of giving customer's the benefit of a doubt.

So let me end this long rant by giving you an advice for the future; Don't ever, ever outsource your support and customer relations to save a few bucks. No matter how good and effective the companies supplying the the customer service make it out to be, it's almost never good for the customer - and in the long run your relationship with your customers will deteriorate.

I've worked in customer relations so I think I know something about it, and although not perfect I like GOG's friendy tone when dealing with customer issues. It's rare, and why I stay and support this site.
Mmm, I thought gog was quite impressive when I first started dealing with them, everything worked just as advertised. But the first time I had a problem with one of my witcher codes it was all resolved quickly and effectively... Well it took a week to get one of my free games but, given this is basically a busy time and we are talking getting help with a free addition it's great. Tone was good, and they were even good about my impatience!

Very few companies are good about impatience, but they happily replied saying it just a rush time and that it wouldn't be long. And it wasn't!

What I love about gog is basically that they trust and respect us, much like EVE online without the play elected reps to talk with devs. I too hope the witcher 2 release will be used in many a future argument to support that games don't need DRM, as if anything DRM screws up the history of games, making games less playable means... well that they are less playable. Sure in 100 years time the witcher 2 DLC won't be around to get, but the witcher 2 is more likely to be playable than many a steam title.
I just found out from an review on your game (TWII) that GOG and CDPRed are one in the same! That just blows my mind....

I never in a million years would've thought that a gaming company would open a gaming distribution site! I just earned a whole new respect for you guys, and I'm Childishly happy with that news and would enthusiastically support this site as much as I'm able!

When the industry are faced with fiendish publishing companies such as EA, and the horrors of DRM, it's unheard of to see an actual gaming company take such a stand!

Thank you gog!
Post edited May 20, 2011 by takezodunmer2005
takezodunmer2005: I just found out from an review on your game (TWII) that GOG and CDPRed are one in the same! That just blows my mind....

I never in a million years would've thought that a gaming company would open a gaming distribution site! I just earned a whole new respect for you guys, and I'm Childishly happy with that news and would enthusiastically support this site as much as I'm able!

When the industry are faced with fiendish publishing companies such as EA, and the horrors of DRM, it's unheard of to see an actual gaming company take such a stand!

Thank you gog!
Not meaning to be rude... but Steam? Valve made steam mainly to sell and protect half life 2
takezodunmer2005: I just found out from an review on your game (TWII) that GOG and CDPRed are one in the same! That just blows my mind....

I never in a million years would've thought that a gaming company would open a gaming distribution site! I just earned a whole new respect for you guys, and I'm Childishly happy with that news and would enthusiastically support this site as much as I'm able!

When the industry are faced with fiendish publishing companies such as EA, and the horrors of DRM, it's unheard of to see an actual gaming company take such a stand!

Thank you gog!
link6616: Not meaning to be rude... but Steam? Valve made steam mainly to sell and protect half life 2
Well I did not know that, as I'm really not a fan of steam....(Another user of DRM) I only use them for FO3 because I ~have~ to, as far as Gog...Well, they don't impose themselves on the gaming customer as a DRM! ;^)

BTW, You weren't. ;^)
Post edited May 21, 2011 by takezodunmer2005
Well done Guys

- a few minor bugs yet to be sorted but I'm very happy with my pre-ordered and now installed game and all the add-on bits. I buy very few games, but (after you finally fixed Witcher up) and I bought Witcher (at a great price) I was happy to support you by buying Witcher 2.

So many companies "pump-out" games, put out an initial patch or two and then move on - but you guys did a great job on Witcher- (it was literally unplayable for me when it first came out- but now it's an absolute classic).

I was especially pleased at the lack of DRM - it really bugs me to have to enter DVDs , DVD keys and/or be online as with so many games. (Anyhow those with the DRM arer normally cracked with No_DVD patches - so nothing is gained except to annoy the consumer.

Also GOG is a great way to catch up on the games you missed!

Again -"Three Cheers".
pada: Again -"Three Cheers".
Hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray! ;)

Welcome all of you at! Hope we'll bring you even more things that will impress you, and we do have some cool stuff up in our sleeves :)
Cook: Welcome all of you at! Hope we'll bring you even more things that will impress you, and we do have some cool stuff up in our sleeves :)
Hope this involves "Crusader: No Remorse"
Cook: Welcome all of you at! Hope we'll bring you even more things that will impress you, and we do have some cool stuff up in our sleeves :)
Vagabond: Hope this involves "Crusader: No Remorse"
That's something I could answer, but I won't :x ;)
Vagabond: Hope this involves "Crusader: No Remorse"
Cook: That's something I could answer, but I won't :x ;)
Damn you, Cook!! *does the hand gesture in your avatar*
Thank you!!!

I was first introduced to this wonderful site by a friend on another site. Because I was having so much trouble with a game he suggested I buy the same game here. When I couldn't at that time he gifted that game to me. Thus I made my account and was introduced to the free games for staring up here. I can now proudly say that I bought my first game here, TW1. I have never been so happy about buying a game. But most of all. I never thought to see such a wonderful community like the one here. I have some other places that I go to for online communities. is the third one that I can say that delivers big and the people here are the best at what they do. Helping others in need.
I hope to return the favor to the guy who helped me and to you all.

This is what makes so special. I am happy and proud to be part of this community.

Thank you GoG. I came here because of the Witcher 2. I never had paypal before as I didn't trust it. Funny, isn't it. Anyway, because of the DRM and the many goodies I got from getting the game from GoG, I decided to buy it from here. Everything went smoothly. I am very happy. Then the witcher 1 came along for a 50% discount. Having been a pirate, all this made me an ex-pirate. I bought the witcher 1 happily and played it for quite some time too.

I used the extra credit I had left to get a game my girlfriend had been looking for, for ages. (Yes we'll play it together on my computer when she gets here (:
After waiting for a couple of weeks I decided to use the other credit for Age of Wonders. A game I once played when I was young. My brother owns the game. Or used to. I had a lot of fun with it and even though I dislike RTS. Turn based strategy is quite a lot of fun.

Now I see Raptor being 50% off. I had not even seen raptor in the games catalogue before. I quickly checked if it was still the same game I played when I was little at my friend's place. Luckily it was! So I instantly bought it. I always thought Raptor was the best arcade shooter of all.

Furthermore the community is great. (though I did see one guy posting spoilers in the titles) It's a rare sight seeing a great community.

So thank you GoG for these great deals. I am really content with all my purchases!