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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
Each time I can, I tell about you to my friends. The only hurdle is that most of them are french and are not really interested in games that are not 100% translated in French... Go figure ! When you know how sh&tty the translation can sometimes be, I'm glad to be fluent in English! ;)
Nevertheless, I keep on spreading the word about GOG !
Oh, and I hate you for providing us with so many great games, at ridiculous prices and without any DRM whatsoever. I actually am relieved when your releases of the week are games I'm not interested in, because it means I can save some money for the following week! ^_^
I really oughtta break out those stickers again, I'm in a better neighborhood
I posted about this on my site:
Post edited January 28, 2010 by Weclock
If there is a bigger GOG whore on Twitter I am yet to meet him.
xa_chan: Each time I can, I tell about you to my friends. The only hurdle is that most of them are french and are not really interested in games that are not 100% translated in French... Go figure ! When you know how sh&tty the translation can sometimes be, I'm glad to be fluent in English! ;)

French people are used to get translations of everything in their own language and anyway most people don't like speaking/hearing English especially in France, its a cultural matter wich I understand, but it makes almost impossible to introduce things coming directly from the international scene or English speaking countries before they've been translated. I tried to tell friends about GOG, it wasn't much successful people are still afraid of having a credit card for many reasons and the second one is English. From what I've heard European countries are less a priority for GOG compared to the north American market which is highly understandable from the marketing point of view.
Anyway I'll still continue to praise GOG efforts and talk about it around me because peoples needs to know that there's something after DRM !
Post edited January 28, 2010 by Narakir
Nice work. I enjoy all my "Good Old Games" here.
I made a Clubpost in my Club on Steam:
Support GOG will be OURS.
Best Wishes,
I tend to jam a GOG reference into kotaku comments whenever it seems even vaguely relevant
Aliasalpha: I tend to jam a GOG reference into kotaku comments whenever it seems even vaguely relevant

I'm reminded of this thread:
PS. Agree with all the sentiments in the thread.
Personally I find the best way to promote GOG is to gift a game to someone. I've done it many times and converted a few, or at least interested people. :)
Post edited January 28, 2010 by chautemoc
I very often post about on my game blog:
I agree that gifting a game is a fantastic way to promote GOG, and if we could post our GOG wishlist on our blogs, and tell people to do the same, not only it would be easier for us to actually receive a GOG game as a gift, but also GOG would be advertised frequently on many blog's sidebars. Maybe GOG could even provide a widget for the wishlist with a GIFT IT button.
Another idea, and I don't know if this is quite possible, since the prices are so low, is to offer a bonus to people who link to GOG and actually make somebody buy a game. A person clicks on the GOG link on my blog and buy a game on GOG. So, after four or five purchases coming from my blog I win a free GOG game.
Post edited January 29, 2010 by orakiorob
A post every once in awhile :)
Thank you You have given me some luvly old games and I will give you my support.
Cook: ....and if you think that GOG is worth your help.

I bet that most-if-not-all of us think that GOG is worth it. Otherwise there probably wouldn't be such a classy and great community here.
Vagabond: To GOG!

Reminding me of the Braveheart speech right now.
Seeing how great the service and served goods here are, I don't see why GOG shouldn't be the first place I ever direct people when they're looking for something that is available here.... Hell, even if there isn't something available here, people should just check out the forums and the free games you guys have put up for us.
I know I do it.
I already point to GOG each time I talk about old games. So no problem for me...
Keep being awesome!
Vagabond: To GOG!
michaelleung: Reminding me of the Braveheart speech right now.

Aye, visit the GOG catalogue and you may not get that title. Buy from Steam, and your games will work... at least a while. And playing with DRM, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just ONE CHANCE, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our games, but they'll never give us... DRM!
Thank you GOG, Im spreading the word to all gamers I know!