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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
Any chance of revamping the Mechwarrior series Pirate Moon etc?
Thanks GOG for all your Efforts!!
How about Text-Based only games? GOG doesn't have any of those yet!
Here I can see rotating banners. How can I get them to put in some of my froums and signatures?
MaximPolulyakh: Here I can see rotating banners. How can I get them to put in some of my froums and signatures?

These are made and provided to our affiliates. But you can find some cool stuff in our "Spread the word" section :)
Thanks, I am already use these.
I have already suggested to some of your stuff by Contact us page to create easy to use widgets, that can display my gog games collection, like it's done on Raptr, for example. Just copy, paste and volia!
I personally can download, unpack, upload to picture hosting and paste the link to signature. Others... Yes, GOG's community is one of the most strong and solid, I believe, but people are lazy, you know. Why not ease this for them?
I speak frequently about you guys at Arstechnica fora (forums?), a news site packing with hardcore nostalgic PC gamers like me :D
Some of my topics have even made you know to folks who had never even heard about you and, as far as I know, all of them created accounts at GOG.
Apart from the forums, I haven't seen much talk about GOG in the news & articles section of Arstechnica since your opening. Have you thought of maybe doing some contests with them to raise awareness of GOG (offering some codes through them, maybe)?
As a long time user with his very post I just wanna say Thank You!
I'm well over 40 now, priorities change, time becomes more valuable each day. In other words: Playtime is limited. But your games bring always back fond memories. It's like a time machine for me.
And on top of that, no DRM, super easy installation, some goodies...
Guys, I love you! ;-)
I sincerely wish the very best, keep the show going!
Steam seems to owe its success to weekly great game deals. I mean 75% off. Thats worth comming back for.
Thank you GOG. Never thought I'd be able to play Stonekeep again, but then you guys come to the rescue.
Hell yeah! Gonna spread the word to all my mates about your awesome site!!
I'm not gonna spread the word, i'm just gonna get a few banners, and few logos, perhaps a mouse-pad and some T-shirts and let THEM do the talking ;-)
When i saw "Total Annihilation" was in store, I was sold to!
Oh and i don't hope this turns into another Steam like system!
That would be horrible :S
Post edited September 02, 2010 by TealKobold
Hey everyone. I'm pretty new here. Just wanted to say that I love this website and the service that you offer. I hope you guys continue to grow and add new titles. I was pretty surprised with what you have already. Already bought two games, Duke Nukem 3D and Serious Sam, and I have plans for future purchases.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for equally representing ALL genres of classic gaming, from european RPGs to 90's Shoot 'em Ups. I never, ever thought I'd see Raptor as a digitally distributable game. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make brownies and spread the news of the awesomeness that is GOG (but not quite as awesome as my brownies. Sorry guys! Nothing beats a chocolate orgasm!).
Thanks for the effort, I can sense and smell passion for gaming through out the GoG Crew.. for that I will support this by buying games from you... But please don't forget the Mac support, I don't like using pararel for Windows 7 on my mac.. only on the last resort. tehehehe..
and here's what I have in mind for the good old games which should come to your collection.. ultima series.. '-D
Cook: Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Thank you very much for what you're doing guys. It's pretty much what I've been looking for a while now: Old games, very reasonable prices, and what I like the best is that everything works smoothly even on new computers.
It's great that we can still get these old gems.
Cook: We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Yeah, I used to feel that way. I've done my best over the past two years to herd as many people this way as I could. And then you chose to repay the dedication of all your loyal fans who have helped you spread the word, by perpetrating upon them the worst practical joke possible.

So I'd say that now that you've spread the word enormously at the expense of the people who helped you get this far, you can spread your own damn word from now on.

You can probably enlist the help of a lot of the new users drawn in by your tasteless stunt. Most of them seem very impressed with you, but then they weren't on the receiving end of your "joke". I just hope they never will be either.