Wall of text warning...
Gundato: Apologies, I would hate to offend you religiously :p
Heh smartarse. Its not religious offence, its blood boiling rage when people (innocently or deliberately) distort information to misrepresent reality.
Gundato: Cheap shot aside, okay, maybe it isn't a religion by the definition of the word. But at the rate things are going, the Atheism movement/whatever IS a pretty powerful force.
So is xbox vs playstation (I don't think the wii really has fanboys), so is windows vs linux vs mac, so is liberal vs conservative, so is selflessness vs greed. The last 2 have the potential to significantly affect society but if emotion could be converted into electricity there's enough hate in the first 2 to power a city for generations. It doesn't matter what position you support in any polarised environment, any extremist position makes you into a dickhead.
My personal position is that I own both a 360 & PS3 (never seen a wii but I've also never seen a game for the wii I want), I run windows but have used linux extensively and no longer demand rubber gloves when touching a mac, I think both sides of politics are full of rabid unrealistic dipshits who care more about themselves than whatever they pretend to support and if you're excessively greedy then you're a cunt who's destroying the planet for the benefit of money which after a certain point is only a way of keeping score and if you're excessively selfless you're probably a dirty hippy!
Gundato: most religious people don't want to be constantly told that they are wrong. And, let's be honest here, the public perception of Atheism isn't "Okay, you can go your way and I go mine", it is more "Okay, you can worship spaghetti monsters and I will embrace precious Science!". I blame idiot college kids for that one.
Most PEOPLE don't want to be constantly told that they're wrong. I don't think idiotic college kids are to blame for the arrogant elitist bullshit you describe, its arrogant elitist dicks regardless of age. The situation is identical to every other polarising issue, there are loudmouth twats who need a smack in the mouth in EVERY debate whilst the silent majority facepalm or get embarassed to be associtated with them.
Gundato: I have never seen ANYONE get angry when someone gets the definition of Atheism wrong :p
Thats because its the only philosophical position that can be proven by a single line of code
"IF beliefingod = 0 THEN Philosophy = Athiesm"
The problem that athiests have with religion is mostly because the dictatorial elements use their beliefs (which are not subject to change based on evidence) to influence government policy or society at large in an attempt to change reality to support their position, this serves to retard the advancement of the species as a whole. Knowledge and evolution are the only ways that a species can naturally advance and anything that holds back one of those avenues for advancement will damage us as a whole. A rational athiest influence on government policy would examine problems, implement solutions and then evaluate and change them as necessary, adapting their viewpoint and methodology as a result of the evidence. Naturally of course, placing the irrational dictatorial types of athiests in charge would be as bad as putting 4chan in charge.
I'd not vote for an athiest if I thought they were a dick who'd fuck up the country. Likewise I'd not refuse to vote for a christian / satanist / mormon / jewish / donkeyworshipper if I thought that they'd make for good government.
Now personally I'm not an athiest. Nor am I religious. My personality is such that I cannot accept a position without some reasonably logical underpinning. Personally I believe there are intelligent aliens in the universe despite not having seen any (although I do have scars I can't identify so I may have been getting my abduction experience memories wiped). The sheer number of stars in this galaxy alone numbers somewhere between 100 to 400 BILLION, there's estimated to be between 30 & 70 SEXTILLION stars in the observable universe (and who knows how many more that we can't see). Assuming that the development of life is a million to one chance (actually make it million and one to one chance, million to one chances turn up nine times out of ten) and the evolution of sentient life is a further million and one to one chance, that still leaves a proability of 29,999,940,000 sentient species. To believe that earth is the only habitable world with intelligent life against those odds is irrational in the extreme, the weight of math is against it.
When it comes to thieism vs anti-thiesm, I don't know the answer, I don't care about the answer and I doubt that there will EVER be a way to prove the answer. Until and unless there IS a way to prove one side or the other is correct, I think its a complete waste of time to seriously debate the topic outside of a purely hypothetical or a "look how this person's unproven and illogical opinion is affecting society" context, its just as useless as debating whether or not Captain Picard could beat up Han Solo (because we all know picard would win)
Rohan15: Fuck....Just when religion leaves my school in terms of history study, it will be reintroduced. FUCK! This makes me question if I want to even study to be a History Teacher now. =(
Please do, you can fight the system and actually teach fact rather than opinion