Posted June 07, 2012
"How will Chris as CEO of TruGolf and Aaron at EA have time to work on the new Tex game?"
Chris Jones: Well you know, most of the writing is pretty much in place. I mean the plotlines, the story, I feel very comfortable with where that is. And I have always done this, whether it was when I was the CFO of Access I was doing it, and you just make it work. And I can make it work so I am not that concerned about that aspect of it.
RetroNick: Yeah I'm not too worried about it. I know you guys.
Chris Jones: 7 days a week then we'll do it 7 days a week. Because again, it's the one thing that we love to do. So from that standpoint believe me we've been talking plotlines and story for many years. And pulling that together, really again its the scale, depending on how much we get. We've got a great basic story we can expand from there. The time that I'll be involved in is its just what I do during the day.
Post edited June 07, 2012 by sai