Hawk52: So far, I'm digging it.
For me, it has several key advantages over Minecraft.
1) It's 2-D. I'm not a hater of 3d, but I gotta say...Given a choice? Probably going to go with sidescrolling. It makes everything easier from platforming to fighting when you only have to deal with one plane. I could see having fun with this even if I just made a bunch of platforms and turned it into a modifed platformer.
2) Combat is much better. That's not to say it's great, but combat
blows in Minecraft. Terraria's not spectacular in this department either, but it plays better then Minecraft. This is probably due to the sidescrolling aspect.
3) In Terraria, the entire goal of the game is to explore and gear/power up. It's very focused in that sense. You can go anywhere, or build anything you have the materials for, but at the end of the day the game is full of incentives for why you should explore. Minecraft used to make you mine/explore for survival, due to the always pressing need for coal but now that's been negated by charcoal and bonemeal. There's no reason to explore in Minecraft anymore, unless you are in pressing need of rare materials for a construction. Terraria's kind of like an MMO without the leveling aspect if I had to describe it in feel.
Terraria isn't all roses though. Multiplayer is broken by all accounts, and won't even work unless you use LAN (or LAN emulation software). On top of that, the guide character, while a good idea is a sonofabitch who'll wander around, open doors, and in general do everything in his power to make your life hell. He's immortal (or exceedingly hard to kill), so he doesn't care at all if he lets zombies or demon eyes into your home. In a multiplayer game with a friend, we ended up trapping him in one section of our house to keep him from screwing everything up.
If support keeps up (which is
never a lock with PC games) I could see this turning into a real gem. Or it'll end up being a reasonably fun but forgettable indy game. I've enjoyed the two hours or so I've played though.
I think I prefer minecraft although only because I like building things and building big structures in minecraft is very satisfying. So yeah, I end up exploring a lot in search of materials.
Terraria seems to be more combat and crafting orientated and oh boy is there a lot to craft by the looks of it. One thing is it certainly doesn't want to tie you down to an area, you don't lose any of your stuff when you die so their isn't as much of a reason to build a stronghold.