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high rated
It makes me happy.

And I suppose a few Steam codes would make people happy too.

Cloning Clyde <redeemed>
Swords and Soldiers LKEKF-23VXD-N8ED6
Alien Zombie Megadeath 292T9-WL5F7-HXMC5

Please post if you redeem the code so that people aren't desperately trying to enter them without hope of success.
Post edited October 01, 2012 by jamyskis
good one :) +1

did not redeemed any, as I have all of them
jamyskis: It makes me happy.
It's a sneaky one.
Post edited October 01, 2012 by anjohl
Makes me happy too, especially when mixed with Triple Sec and natural lemon juice. Mmmmmmmm! :)
I'm a huge fan of Tequila Gold, myself. Other than Rum it's one of my favourites.

I redeemed Cloning Clyde, I've wanted it for a long time but never noticed it available. Thank you! +1 for the you, good sir :).
Tequila doesn't make me happy, but I'm happy it makes you happy. Glenfiddich makes me happy.
Thanks and +1 for your generosity, jamyskis! (not redeeming)

BTW, I love your avatar ;)
I love making people think I've lost the plot... ;-)
Theta_Sigma: I redeemed Cloning Clyde, I've wanted it for a long time but never noticed it available. Thank you! +1 for the you, good sir :).
Yer welcome :)
jamyskis: Tequila. It makes me happy.
Damuna: Mostly, tequila makes me vomit.
If this was a forum about dyslexia, I'd feel uneasy.
Damuna: Mostly, tequila makes me vomit.
Depends on the quality. I once made the mistake to drink Tequila at a local club ($1 per shot / glass), it tasted like butter. Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. :/
Damuna: Mostly, tequila makes me vomit.
Elenarie: Depends on the quality. I once made the mistake to drink Tequila at a local club ($1 per shot / glass), it tasted like butter. Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. :/
Done that as well (though it was far more expensive, more like $4/shot... which was cheap by Swedish standards...). Ugh, never again. Tequila really is one of those things that just taste horribly if the quality is poor, and on the flip side, really good tequila actually tastes good (in small amounts, it simply tastes too much for it to be a viable "get drunk" option, at least this has been true for all good tequila that I've had thus far). It is not like say Vodka where even semi-bad Vodka has its uses.
AFnord: Done that as well (though it was far more expensive, more like $4/shot... which was cheap by Swedish standards...). Ugh, never again. Tequila really is one of those things that just taste horribly if the quality is poor, and on the flip side, really good tequila actually tastes good (in small amounts, it simply tastes too much for it to be a viable "get drunk" option, at least this has been true for all good tequila that I've had thus far). It is not like say Vodka where even semi-bad Vodka has its uses.
From my experience
1. good vodka is ruined by whatever you mix it with.
2. bad vodka ruins whatever you mix it with. Still better than drinking them separately.

Probably applies to other spirits as well.
Most people I know say Tequila is a horrible, horrible substance. But I like it. Granted, I've never gone over the top with it.

Absinthe, on the other hand. Tastes horrible but the kick in that stuff.

My favored way of drinking is a civilized glass of rum, though. I can take whiskey if rum is not available, though. Or brandy or cognac whatever, but I don't really enjoy Vodka. (and my favored word is "though", apparently : D I need to watch it, my english is deteriorating)

Not redeeming because I think I already hold enough of a backlog, but I like your style.
Post edited October 01, 2012 by Crowned
AlKim: From my experience
1. good vodka is ruined by whatever you mix it with.
2. bad vodka ruins whatever you mix it with. Still better than drinking them separately.

Probably applies to other spirits as well.
Depends on how drunk you are :P But yea, flat out bad vodka will ruin whatever you mix it with, but you can get away with mixing drinks with semi-cheap vodka, and it will still taste pretty good.
And the taste difference between average & good vodka is not large enough for the average Joe to really be able to tell the difference (one might taste slightly better than the other, but it is not a huge difference). The same is not true for tequila.
Sadly tequila is simply seen as a "get drunk" thing here, and thus the good ones are never stocked in our liquor stores or out in bars & clubs. They just stock the cheap stuff that I refuse to drink. The only reason why I even know why there is a taste difference is because I have a friend from Mexico who buys good tequila and brings it back to Sweden whenever he visits his family.

Crowned: Absinthe, on the other hand. Tastes horrible but the kick in that stuff.
Absinthe just burns all the way down. Quite unpleasant, in my opinion.
Post edited October 01, 2012 by AFnord
AlKim: From my experience
1. good vodka is ruined by whatever you mix it with.
2. bad vodka ruins whatever you mix it with. Still better than drinking them separately.
Funnily enough, my favourite vodka happens to be your national vodka, Finlandia. And it tastes great whether it's pure or mixed.